Jun 9, 2011

Brazil Mastery Item Images


A few posts down, I said I couldn't wait to find out what the new Brazil Mastery Items would be. Our friends at the Mafia Secrets Blog have posted the names and images. Now we just need to wait for the stats. Thanks to Moe Skeeto for posting this link on the fan page. Go to the Mafia Wars Secrets Blog for more information or updates. This is what I would call a real "Sneak Peek". I really like the cat!
(all images from the Mafia Secrets Blog)
District 6 - Jangada
District 7 - Machete Dance Prop
District 8 - Margay

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. are there any hints as to number of consumables needed in new districts?

  2. Another Powerful Cat, Z must love Cats..

  3. i like the cat to but if they like cats so much then it must be saying that they are a bunch of powerful pussy's lol

  4. Funny how the Zynga logo is a dog, but they love cats!?! Wonder if PETA has anything to do with this.

  5. I don't care, as long as we don't have to do more properties, perhaps a nice cage for the kitty cat. NOT.

    Seriously, thanks for the info, as always you're right on top of things :)

  6. whaaat? I mean these items look just too lame to be mastery items or?...
    I mean an old wooden boat? how much will it have? 200 attack or something? when tanks, jets, etc. have far less than that?...
    then a machete? I mean didn't we have a machete in bangkok or was cuba? for like 5/12 or something like that? now this one will have what? a defense of at least 200???....
    and finally the animal, a BABY tiger??? for like 300 attack or something? a baby tiger? I mean we have at least 10 different tigers some veeery bloodthirsty looka-likes which would kill this little grub with half their pawn, but here, this baby tiger will have 300 so it will own everyone?....
    p.s. although the tiger looks kind of cute :)

  7. also http://leopard.mainvista.com/wpix/margay25.jpg :)

  8. I've been stockpiling Satchel Charges, will I be needing Computer Set-Ups and Alarm Codes too?


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