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Jun 24, 2011

Brazil District 7&8 Drop Rates


I finally got a chance to take a more in depth look at the drop rates of the new Brazil loot. Reviewing Kanu's loot reference chart, you can see that District 6 only drops one item, the Tropical Pith Helmet, that makes the Top 8 loot items and it has the exact same stats as an item, the Ye'kuana Basket, that drops in District 7. Because of this, I'm only going to review Districts 7 and 8 and you shouldn't farm in District 6.
The best job to farm Brazil loot in District 7 is "Generate Revenue for Your Cause" because it doesn't require consumables or Real and it has a experience/energy ration of 2.08.
The 3 desirable loot items from District 7 are shown below.
I ran 5,000 jobs using Repeat Job Brazil by Team Spockholm and got 135 of the items shown above. 3,240,000 energy was spent which calculates to about 24,000 energy per item.
Here are all the loot items that dropped during this run. You can see I got 1 Portable Fusion Reactor. That's not very good!
The job I did for District 8 was "Prepare an Ambush for a Neo-Imperium Sect". This job has a experience/energy ratio of 2.0027. There are jobs with better ratios in District 8, but this was the one I ended up using.
The 4 loot items we want from District 8 are shown below.
I did another run of 5,000 jobs, spending 3,645,000 energy and got 219 items. This comes out to 16,643 energy per item which is better than District 7 but you need to consider the fact that there are 4 items instead of 3.
Here are all the loot items that dropped during this run.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Region 8 on ruby level has a job that costs 4k real thats 2.22 ratio and one that doesnt which is 2.19

  2. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=175303575864848&set=a.145518338843372.27914.100001556216179&type=1&theater


  3. How do you get 2.08 XP/energy ratio on "Generate Revenue For Your Cause"? I'm only getting 1.90 XP/energy ratio.

  4. You're probably not on Ruby Level mastery yet

  5. At which level of mastery should we farm? Ruby level doesn't allow you to do the job very many times.


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