May 27, 2011

X-Men FAQ Update


If you want proof that somebody at Zynga reads my blog, just go to the Customer Support X-MEN First Class Event FAQ page. Earlier today, I pointed out a few errors with the page (1). I'll let you toggle back and forth to see what they corrected and what they didn't.
They did leave my favorite mistake. Magneto is a X-Men bad guy, Mageneto sounds more like a color to me.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. LOL Mageneto's Helmet.... sounds like an Italian porn star ice cream

  2. nothing to the article, but I have a do people get 150 tingit parkas and 150 juggernauts (both rare 3 tier war items)? I mean you can get max 11 war items a day (5 for helping, 6 if you are around 24 hours) and this feature hasn't been active for more than a month so 30*11=330 (of course it hasn't been around for a month so this number is far lower, but still lets leave it so), so are you saying the guy only drops those 2 items? or how is that possible? cos' it is kind of unfair to fight against such stats.or iluminate me how these people do it.

  3. @ anonymous

    thats rather easy, they use the wall scrubber and put in there they only want to do wars with helpreward tingit parka and/or juggernaut.

    and if together with that they got the glitch of no limit warhelp items(instead of normal limit 5/day) they could have lots more.

  4. And there is the glitch where you get double rewards from a war, happens quite a lot is my experience.


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