May 24, 2011

Where Are The Mafia Wars Posts?


Many are noticing that there are no game related posts in our Facebook news feeds at the moment. To verify, click on your Most Recent News from your Home Page and click on Games.
Right now, this is what I get. There are no Mafia Wars posts in the news feeds! Zynga won't like this at all as their precious spam is no longer visible. I have no information on when this will be corrected.
If you need your mafia to help you, you have to state that there is a post on your wall as they won't go over to the news feeds. You can see here, Bruno did just that. I saw he needed help in the news feeds and when I went to his wall I was able to attempt to help him.
This is when it pays to have bots in your mafia!

Thanks to Linda Smith for posting on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Bots are down. They work off the FB feed.

  2. Actually they can still help with wars without the posts as the requests show up in game.

  3. I think FB and Zynga are having a revenue fight again....especially since Zynga game numbers are falling....hmmm

  4. maybe this is a sign from God that i should stop playing already...LOL

  5. @Loot Lady Far fewer war helps show up in the game than on the wall. We are talking a few dozen a day versus, perhaps, thousands.


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