May 4, 2011

Secret Stash 411 & FAQ


The "revamped" Secret Stash that I wrote about for the Official Mafia Wars Blog and posted all the new loot items involved here, should be in our game soon.
It's on the slow roll out system so don't be alarmed if you don't have it right away. The Customer Support Secret Stash 411 & FAQ was just posted. It looks like more spam for us and we will have to stop playing as you only get 15 seconds to take action once the pop-up appears. The good news is we can only get one of these a day so there is no pressure to do as many as we can. Here is a reprint below. I will have more information once I get the feature on my account.

Secret Stash 411 & FAQ
Updated 05/05/2011 at 02:50

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411 & FAQ
The Secret Stash just got a new identity and it's better than ever!  Locating the hidden stash takes fast thinking and faster action!  Each time that you trigger a Secret Stash you will be presented with three choices of finding a stash, and now 3 of your friends can help.  You can choose the difficulty of the stash that you want to find, and you can increase your chances by adding your friends help to the stash level of your choice.  You can place all three friends on the same level or spread them across the choices to increase your chance, but act fast because 15 seconds goes by quickly!
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Q:  When will the new Secret Stash be available?
A:  This feature will be released on 05/04/11.  As with all of our new feature releases this will be slowly rolled out to our players to ensure stability within the game.  (All players may not have initial access to this feature release.)

Q:  How does it work?
A:  Once you have triggered the Secret Stash you will have 15 seconds to assign one of your friends to one of three choices of stash items.

Q:  Where can I check the status of my Secret Stash?
A:   You can check the status of your Secret Stash by clicking the Operations tab, then clicking the Secret Stash tab.
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Q:  How many times will I be able to collect a Secret Stash?A:  You can only have one Secret Stash per day.

Q:  Where will I find a Secret Stash?
A:  A Secret Stash can appear from doing jobs, fighting, or by robbing!

Q:  What happnes if I click on more that one Secret Stash in a day?
A:  Since you can only start 1 new Secret Stash each day you will receive an error that states "Sorry, you have already found a secret stash today."

Q:  When will the timer reset?
A:  The timer will reset at midnight local time each day.

Q:  What if I don't want to have the Secret Stash trigger?
A:  You will have the option to disable this feature under the account settings tab.  Remember, you can only change these settings once per day.

Q:  How long will it take to complete the Secret Stash?
A:  The completion timer is based upon the value of the item and can vary from 24 to 48 hours.

Q:  Can I share this find with my friends?
A:  Yes!  If they click on the post from your news feed they will receive experience points and have a chance of finding their own secret stash as well.

Q:  What types of loot can I find in the Secret Stash?
A:  Each timet that you trigger a Secret Stash you will be presented with a choice of three Limited Edition items.  Each one will be listed as either Easy, Medium, or Hard.  Of course, the harder it is to find, the better the item will be!

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Q:  Are my chances of finding loot increased by placing a friend under that item?
A:  Yes they are!  By placing a friend under the desired item, you will increase the chance of finding that item.  The display will show you how much the drop rate percentage has been increased.

Q:  Are my friends required to help me find the Secret Stash?
A:  Yes.  Each level of difficulty for finding the Secret Stash requires additional help from your friends
  • Easy - 3 helpers
  • Medium - 6 helpers
  • Hard - 12 helpers
Q:  How will my friends know to help me out?
A:  You will be able to publis each stach that you find to your feed.  Once published, your friends will hav ethe opportunity to help your out.

Q:  What happens once I have found the Secret Stash?
A:   After you have found the Secret Stash you can share the find with your friends be clicking the 'Tell Friends' button.

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Q:  What will happen if I don't find the Secret Stash?
A:  If you are not successful in your quest for the stash you will receive a mssage inviting you back tomorrow to try again.
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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I almost feel sorry for the ones that are going to have their walls plastered with requests for secret

  2. S.P.A.M. Spam. :(

  3. A big, ironic "thank you" to everybody who chose mini games...

  4. i already like it... NOT!!!

  5. Very stupid.. Thanks for letting us know that we can turn it off.

  6. that sound like tons of mistakes/ errors /misunderstandings and a new high at customer support... WHo knows.. the number of customers requesting support might be the secret source of income for zynga..??!

  7. i dont know about zynga .. but Jen ur getin old for this job ..

  8. Let's hope it takes less than 15 seconds to load

  9. The Secret Stash pops up, no friends to choose from, no post button, it sucks and is a big disappointment. Why launch with just the tantalzing items but absolutely NO WAY to do ANYTHING about it? Dumb waste of time.


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