Apr 27, 2011

New Secret Stash Loot Items


On April 6th, I wrote about a planned update of the Secret Stash for the Official Mafia Wars Blog (1). A week later, we were told the update was put on hold because the developers were trying to figure out how to make it more fun.
Sometime between now and then, new Secret Stash loot has been added to our inventory. Hopefully the new Secret Stash feature will be fun but I bet it involves spam. I searched the Inventory Page and found the following items labeled Secret Stash. There is no word on when we will see the new feature in game.

Thanks to Arahan for the heads up that Secret Stash loot is now in the Inventory Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Hmmm. The big question is will the posts actually work? At least half the time, the link is broke and says the stash has already been found.

  2. So there will be 2 different puma stats ?

  3. well 3 of those will help my stats....

  4. on hold.... i guess zynga did listen to the criticism regarding too many events. now we are going to have to beg for it. =(

  5. All that loot sucks. More worthless shit to click. Fuck you Zynga you wonder why everyones going to crime city? Get your heads out of your asses and stop thinking for yourself. Whats gonna make your fucking ass benefit from clicks. Your killing a game that was meant to be social but now a nightmare. I feel bad for the PAC they volunteer their time for nothing. Zynga dont give a shit about what they have to say eighter. Again its all about the money. Whats gonna happen when Mafia Wars dies and everyones job gets cut. They we will be the ones saying fuck off. Thanks Jen for keeping this blog up to date and your time. ~jack salado

  6. puma is a brazil build animal

  7. Croc Skin Jacket (55/79) Is added too to the secret stash, there are other Croc Skin Jacket (54/29) with the same image, a Brazil Buid armor.


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