May 17, 2011

Remove Pending Mafia by Team Spockholm


A very irritating thing about Mafia Wars are those pending Mafia War invites that the players you sent them to haven't bothered to accept. To see how many you have, go to your Recruit Page and click on "View recently sent requests.

You can see I have quite a few of these and can never find the time to remove them because you have to do it one by one. I attempted once and got bored after about 5 of them.
Team Spockholm created the solution to my problem. It's called the Remove Pending Mafia bookmarklet. In just a few clicks, I was left with a clean pending requests page and no longer worry about the mess that was once there.
To clean up your pending requests page, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the Spockholm Mafia Tools Experimental Page and locate the Remove Pending Mafia bookmarklet.

2. Click, drag and drop Remove Pending Mafia to your bookmark toolbar.
3.  Unframe your Mafia Wars game and go to your View recently sent requests page shown above. If you don't have the link that says "View recently sent requests", it means you don't have any and therefore you don't need to run this tool.
4. From the unframed pending requests page, click on Remove Pending Mafia once. You will see the requests being removed one by one and the screen will be doing a lot of refreshing. Wait until you get the popup notification that all the requests were removed.

5. Admire your clean Pending Requests Page.
All of the players who did not accept your Mafia Wars invitation will show up on your Recruit page. Don't go hog wild and resend them all. Most likely there was a reason they never accepted in the first place. It would be best to check out their profile page and determine if they even play Mafia Wars. If your Grandma was able to become your Facebook friend, she probably won't appreciate repeat Mafia Wars invites from you. If you don't know the person and they don't appear to be playing Mafia Wars, just remove them as a Facebook friend.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This bookmarklet would be (more) usefull if it would have and option to remove those players from FB as well!

    Barbara Nole

  2. Great thanks, on another note, the gifting page in the inventory, loot items now show stats, just noticed...

  3. vla unvoidid zheng wenzhongMay 17, 2011 at 2:46 AM


  4. OK. I used this bookmarklet and removed app 300 pending requests. Now I have those 300 FB friends under Recruit page. With copy/paste I can get their names. I would like to remove them all from FB.
    How can I remove them with "just one" click?
    Barbara Nole

  5. Barbara, we're working on a bookmarklet that helps you with removing inactive and non-players. Be patient!

  6. thanks for the update eike! when you say so, we ARE patient and looking forward for another of your awesome tools! :-)
    TY SOOO MUCH!!! :-D

  7. that iis super, BUT being old and forgetful, I prefer to have my Invite Screen sqeaky clean, I don't look at the pending page, it has friends and family who don't play MW. and it does not bug me at all.

    However, I am now patiently going to wait for the next step bookmarklet, whereby we can remove the peeps from the pending and the friends pages. Thanks for all the help, I could not play this game without these bookmarklets, and have donated the odd pint, rather that than paying Zynga for RP points :)

  8. yay! I see my name. Dont remove me from your fb friends. Will invite you later. I have a bunch of mw invites to accept one by one still. -Albus

  9. What should one do if this doesn't work ? I did drag the bkmklt and ran it unframed, but it redirects me back to a new MW page ? Did Zynga somehow chop into this already ?

    Keep up the great work !!!

    Thanks, Bob

  10. Is there something new now to do this? This one doesn't seem to be working. Thanks!!


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