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May 6, 2011

The New Secret Stash Feature


Customer Support did a pretty good job of explaining the new Secret Stash feature. If you can tolerate a lot of typos and read through it, you should have a good idea of what's going on (1). You may have seen the Secret Stash posts in your news feeds. Not all players have this feature and you can only do one per day so don't expect to see too many of them right away.
If you click on them, one of three things will happen. You will either be told it isn't available (which means you don't have it yet), you will activate the feature and get your own Secret Stash to attempt to steal or if you've already done one, you will be told that you can only get one Secret Stash per day. The day starts at midnight in whatever time zone you are in.
To check and see if you have the Secret Stash feature, go to your Operations tab. You will see Secret Stashes as one of the pages next to Operations.
The yellow question mark only addresses Operations so you won't find any help there. You will get a "Let's Get Started" popup before you start your first Secret Stash. Find this by clicking on a Secret Stash post in the news feeds or wait for one to drop while doing fights, jobs or robs. The popup is some what animated and it will show you how to drag a friend over to the desired spot. It's just like a bookmarklet so if you are good at that you shouldn't have any trouble.
They are serious about the time frame. You need to click, drag and drop the 3 friends showing over to 3 spots to move on. Don't attempt to take a screen shot or you won't make it. I was able to move Haider over but didn't get my other two mafia members in time.
 If you aren't successful, you can still get something for your efforts by clicking on the "Get Help" button. This will allow you and the friends you choose to get a consolation prize.
You're better off just skipping this part. My great consolation item was a Stab Proof Vest! They actually have the nerve to call it a "juicy stash". Are they crazy? It has stats of 2/5 and shouldn't even be allowed in the game.
It was embarrassing to even send the requests. As expected, I didn't get any help anyways. I'm sure these probably count towards the 200 gift limit as you find them in the Zynga Message Center and your Facebook request page. The requests look like the Mission Crew requests and you aren't told if you get anything so I think you don't. You are just helping and you can get some Loyalty Points.
The requests on Facebook will tell you what the items are. So far all the ones I've tried to help with say the items are already claimed. Now that looks familiar!
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to generate a post to the news feeds for help. I'm sure the Spockholm gain will figure out how to make one for the Link-a-Nator. You can ask for help as soon as you compete the Secret Stash task from the popup.
Or go to your Secret Stashes page and do it from there. The amount of time you have depends on the difficulty assigned to the Secret Stash. This one is medium so I have 48 hours.
So far I haven't been fast enough but Mike Nestor was able to get a medium and a hard item done in 15 seconds. If you are successful, you can generate the post to get your Stash Stash that was shown above. I'm sure there is still more to learn about this feature but this is the gist of it for now.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. The link for the feed was easy to make by the same method described for the 2x Mastery Boosts. It worked like a charm. I don't think these requests are counted against your gift total as they don't produce a in-game gift but a message like the Brazil Crew requests--which can still be accepted after the limit is reached.

  2. Get a tinyurl from Ask for help - than you can fill one slot yourself and get the LP too..


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