May 14, 2011

"New" Limited Time Item


In news nobody should care about, there is a new Limited Time item on the Build Your Empire Module of the Home Pate. Go here to read what I had to say about when it was a Limited Time item back in February. If Zynga is going to constantly "refresh" loot and make everything we worked hard to get obsolete, then why can't they do the same with these Limited Time Items. If they were worth getting, this may be an enjoyable feature. For now, it's useless as there are better items in the Private Zoo. The Tundra Wolf doesn't even have special abilities so you will get no Skill Points if you craft it. What a waste!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thanks tinker bell


  3. some of my mafia friends are still sending/asking these.....what a waste.

  4. It would be nice if they put a piece of armour up there once in a while. I've seen cars, weapons and animals, but no armour. I'm always short of armour parts and this would be a good way to build some stock.

  5. C´mon Zynga you can do it better tha this!!!!

  6. Armor Part
    don't need any more parts either...
    at least the wolf is 35+ points higher than some of the antiques they drop from gold treasure chests. z focuses on one thing at a time, like the new boss fight, they make that one thing overly complicated while ignoring other areas that need fixing. frustrating, but that's standard operating procedure for z.

  7. I'm so sick of everything Zynga, and now I've been locked out of the forum to boot. They can have it, and the spam, and the "games" and the begging and everything else and ... I sincerely hope they choke on the whole bloody mess.


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