May 25, 2011

Mafia Wars Exaggerations Part 2


Nine days ago, I made a post showing you how the Mafia Wars description didn't match the application stats once proudly displayed on the Mafia Wars Fan Page information section (1).
Today if you go to the same Information Page, you will find many changes. The basic description is no longer there but the same information with the inflated statistics of "25 million other players" has been moved to a Products section. the more accurate application statistics have been removed from the page and the option to go to the application from this page has also been removed. It's hard to tell if this is a result of a Facebook page change or if Zynga changed it on their own. I'm sure they don't want the application data to be easy to find as the number keep dropping.
Case in point, 9 days ago there were 10,709,700 Monthly Active Users and today there are 9,443,003.
(image from All Facebook)
If you go to, you are told there are over 20 million players.
Go on over to the Official Mafia Wars Blog and you are told that there are over 7 million daily players.
According to the application statistics this number is closer to over 1 million. Is Zynga going to keep exaggerating or are they in denial?
(image from All Facebook)
Thanks to John Sweeney Jr. for noticing they removed the app stats from the fan page and starting a discussion about the player numbers in the PAC chat room.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. nice work and my guess is Zynga will never stop stretching the truth.

  2. Maybe FB+Twitter+iPhone

  3. If Zynga does not come with who the fuck Neo-Imperium guys are ( I mean till date i don't know how they emerged or who is behind this organization)....what was the reason behind closure of Cuba & Moscow...if they don't come up with credible storylines with amazing game plays then the user rate will drop even more...then they said post March Mafia wars will be bigger than ever..but then nothing came through except Brazil which was completed by most of the folks in record's time Zynga sit up and come up with good gamestory lines..rather than stupid stuffs like gagaville,cityville etc..

  4. Frankly I don't think the story line even matters any more, since the Ice EM Down event, and pay to continue to play it, came out, my play is going down, down down, why bother, Zynga is going to get the daily player down to 2 or 3 million, and change the game over to a pay only game. Look at the signs, they are every where, Too bad, I won't even spend money on a game card any more, this game will come to a crashing end.


  5. i doubt even their smallest estimate of # players, if you look through scruffy's list, if there truly are millions of players there should be more than just a handful of level 25000 players. sure that list only includes tagged players but i would suspect serious players eventually end up on that list and if millions play this game then more should be on that list.


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