May 15, 2011

Mafia Task Force MW Extension Update


Arun has updated the very popular Mafia Task Force Mafia Wars Chrome Extension on May 15th.
Go here and make sure you have version 1.6.6.
Everything looks the same as it did before but some of the bookmarklets were updated and new ones were added. Players who were having issues with logging in and using the Zynga toolbar bonus should find these problems corrected with this version. If you haven't used this tool before, go here for instructions. If you're a FireFox user, there are also instructions for the Mafia Task Force Toolbar.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thank you so much. I would be lost without this add-on and use the brawler and link-a-nator everytime i log onto my main account and second account. The only problem is, i can only get the 8-hour bonus to work on 1 acct which i prioritise for my main account. When i play on my second account, trying to collect on the 8-hour bonus doesn't do anything, just get the main MW screen and no 25% energy.

  2. Couldn't figure out how to activate the adds on in FireFox.

  3. I have noticed the same thinag about 2 accounts thats why I have keeped the Zynga bar so you can hit refresh on it beside the dog and it will set it up for your second account... and I am not sure if you would have to clear cookies everytime with this add on so second account will work..Great Idea though

  4. Is there any chance on mtf release for firefox?

  5. Rawr Rawr ...... *Hiccup*


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