May 25, 2011

Kassina Kunoichi Boss Fight Walk Through


The new Boss Fight has been out a few hours now and we need to take down is Kassina Kunoichi. Find her on your Current Events Home Page Module or the Operations Tab.
She looks just like comedian Margaret Cho.
There are three levels of mastery for Kassina Kunoichi. Her health for each level is 5,000, 20,000 and 35,000.
Just like before, we need to collect Ammo from doing fights, jobs and robs. Any extra Ammon you had for Roughhouse Rafael can be utilized on Kassina. As with any event, there is always a way to buy stuff from the Marketplace. They changed the option to buy one Ammo item for one Reward Point to 10 items for 10 Reward Points.
If you want to buy more than 10 at a time, you need to go to the Special Loot tab in the Marketplace. 10 items is still the minimum we can buy.
10 items is still the minimum we can buy and this also applies to the option while fighting.
It looks like Ammo items are dropping as they should this time. Here are some runs using Repeat Job, Robber BG and Brawler.
The Shotgun Blasts are available on the Free Gift page and we can get them in out news feed.
We can also get them in our news feed. Last time, I showed you a method to collect a lot of Shotgun Blasts from the news feeds. Read my post titled Unlimited Shotgun Blasts to learn how to use the Event Scanner bookmarklet by Team Spockholm and get as many as you need.
When you fight, simply click on the Ammo item you want to use for the attack. Each item does a different amount of damage and fortunately the Shotgun Blasts which are readily available do the most.
This Boss Fight also has combos which will increase the amount of damage you do when you use the Ammo in a certain order. Here are the three combos. Follow them in the order of left to right.
Some players get confused because the order shown on the fight page is reversed. That is because they are shown from right to left.
There is still an option to heal yourself while fighting and I noticed the Brazil NGO Bonus that reduces the healing timer doesn't seem to apply. You also should do the Boss Fight in the destination that you want to heal in as there is no option to heal in New York unless you are in New York.
The best way to do this Boss Fight is to use the New Like a Boss bookmarklet by Team Spockholm. Go here for instructions. Once you are loaded up on Ammo, run the program and save yourself many clicks. There are 8 days to finish the event so if you don't want to use scripts and do this the old fashioned ala click monkey way, ignore this part. You can set New Like a Boss to do the combos for you or just choose everything. I loaded up on Shotgun Blasts and selected "Use Everything"
If you don't have anything better to do, you can watch the fight in action once you click on "Attack". The program will stop once you run out of Ammo but will save your defeat screen for you.
Each time you defeat Kassina, you will get a popup window and a Kassina's Caracal. The stats will improve on the loot item and you will only have one in your inventory.
Once you defeat Kassina on the Gold Level, the Boss Fight will disappear from your Home Page and there will be no Boss Fights on the Operations Page.
Until the event expires, you can still collect Ammo for future Boss Fights. Only after you reach your gift limit of 40 Shotgun Blasts for the day will they convert to Mystery Bags.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Nice walkthrough AGAIN! but if you think she looks like that comedian real should get and eye test ;o)

  2. LOL, look at the shape of her face and her eyes and her nose. Slap her hair an in bun and add some sticks and she would look exactly the same.

  3. i only did bronze at this moment cuase i saw it was new.

    did it manually, but i could heal in new york while i was in brazil.

    just scrolled back up to the original heal/hospital button on top of mw and there i healed, just like always showed NY as well.

  4. keep clicking the shotgun if you have alot. it saves lot of time. don't have to wait till it shows how much damage she got. Killed silver level within 5min.

  5. It says "There are only three levels of mastery for Kassina Kunoichi as compared to four for the Roughhouse Rafael."...

    WRONG..!!! Roughhouse only had 3 mastery levels..!!!

    And Shotgun Blasts do not convert to Mystery Bags just as you finished off the boss... It will count in your inventory and be ready for the next boss fight...

  6. Thank you. It's hard to keep track of all this stuff I don't always have time to look back. Will make the edit. If you read carefully I state that once you accept you 40 shotgun blasts as gifts for the day they turn I into mystery bags. I'll add an age for those who don't bother to read.


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