May 16, 2011

I Need Your Help


It appears the url of this blog was mass reported to Facebook as being "abusive or spammy". If you try to post or share any links to posts contained within this blog (to include the main url), you will get the message below. Great job to whichever group was successful in reporting my blog to Facebook!
Don't worry, there are ways to work around this issue and hopefully the ban will be lifted soon. Many are asking me what they can do to help. Try to make a post on your wall or anywhere on Facebook with this link included: When you get the message from above, click on "Let us know" (or click the link from here).
You will get the banned appeal form. Just fill in the information making sure you add my url ( to the the second box. Click "Submit" and you're done.
If you want to share one of my links while we wait for the ban to be lifted, copy and past the link to the post and change the last letter in the url to an X and instruct you friends that they will need to remove the X and replace it with an M in their browser.
I will create RSS feeding through It will mean one extra click as you will be directed to the backup blog then have to click on the link to the main blog. Thanks to John Sweeney Jr. who is helping me as the same thing happened to his blog. His ban was lifted in about a week so lets hope the same can happen with ours.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Wow, some real vindictive fookers out there. Sorry you and you team have to deal with this Jennifer. Haters will always hate and try to bring down the helpful. GL.

  2. this is pathetic, people are just jealous, good luck in getting "unbanned"

  3. Helped and submited :)
    Keep up the good work!!!

  4. This is not "people" i bet its one or two idiots with like 100/200/300 facebook accounts from mass creating tools ETC . ask facebook to also check these accounts that reported you ;) i bet they are all linked together and no normal activity (and most commonly all really nice looking girls as pics ) lmao :D. for people to go to the limits of couple hundred accounts you really have no life at that stage. hope its sorted soon Lootlady :)

  5. My trade notes were also flagged as spam and I can no longer post a link to them for other traders to see... and they can't see my notes by clicking in my profile. It seems they may be targeting the admins as well and not just the site :(

  6. Same thing happen to my trade notes. i can't even share it through P.M. Only way was to take out the out of the url and share it like that. FB got Zynga'ed : /

  7. Ditto to what Aaron and J Nat said. I just started my trade notes yesterday too and got that message immediately - i.e., before I had ever shared them with anyone. So I don't think this is actually an instance of any url (whether this blog or anyone's trade posts) getting reported to FB -- I think FB has just done something where every url automatically gets met with this anti-spam message.

    If you remove "http://www." from the link you want to share, it will work. I.e., for trading notes, just share the part starting with "facebook."

  8. not the first time an wont be the last stupid peolpe do dum things. I had my notes an links reported as spam so do not feel bad.

  9. The link you are trying to visit has been reported as abusive by Facebook users. To learn more about staying safe on the internet, visit our Facebook's Security Page. Please also read the Wikipedia articles on malware and phishing - this is the message I received - no way to let them no it is an error - :(

  10. I wondered what happened to your blog is a very popular post in my group. Went quickly to report it to facebook as a legitimate post...

  11. that's what you get for selling stuff - competition and breaking rules... be thankful this site is still up and not ddosed

  12. @anonymous above, I don't sell anything but advertising space. This is a common practice of all web sites. The only outcome of Facebook blocking my links is that google is now my # one referring url. This didn't even put a dent in my traffic and in the big picture is not even an issue other then to make it easier for people to post my links. It idiots like you who probably reported my link to begin with. The ban will be lifted. In the end you all just look like the jealous haters that you are.

  13. grow up... idiots like us are making this whole traffic for you :P didn't meant to offend you - this is just what happend b4 to some "other" sites... like i said - competition ... and your comments are just showing how respectful you are to your readers :P

  14. GET OVER YOURSELF Anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm very respectful of my readers and supporters. Not to those who accuse me of doing anything wrong. My site was banned because of mass reporting so those people I feel are idiots and I have a right to feel that way and don't want them reading my blog (or people who tell me I deserve it). If you would have signed your name, it would have been different to state you opinion. ~Jen


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