May 10, 2011

HEFL5 Maxed


One of my favorite mafia members, Robbie Stinson AKA Chimpo, has maxed out on the new high end fight loot. It didn't take him very long and he did a combination of robbing and fighting. You can see from his Fight Rewards popup that he has gone above and beyond what is even needed. Too bad this stuff isn't giftable!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Quickly Yes but how much stamina did he use??? BTW very impressed

  2. wtf^^ i rob and fight and now i have idle hands 113 ws 45 ss 93 talon 63, which stamina he has for that awesome number of high lots?

  3. How can someone click attack that many times??? He has to have 10's of thousands of stamina.

  4. Likely, "he" doesn't, I would bet that he's using Brawler, saves the click monkey many clicks and keeps a nice running loot total.

  5. is he using a script? which one would love to give it a try.

  6. Just how can this be done so the rest of us will have a chance to do so?

  7. Go to Spockholm mafia tools from the Bookmarklets link at the top of this page. Use Brawler or Robber depending on what you want to be spending your stamina on.

  8. Give me all your Sea Eagles beeotch!


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