May 5, 2011

Golden Promotion Sharing


Now that most of us should have the new Promotion Bonuses, it's time to take a closer look and point out one of the major flaws with the feature. For a review of how to share these bonuses, read my post titled  Promotion Bonus Sharing. Zynga seems to be getting desperate with turning their false hopes into reality. People who don't play Mafia Wars are not going to be tempted by any of our spam posts. The Golden Promotion is a good example. When you get a regular promotion, you are given a share button and a post is generated to publish in your news feeds. Any of you mafia members can click on it and the first three will get the same bonus as you did. The only catch to getting and sharing the bonus is you have to add all of your unused Skill Points.
Now every fifth level up is labeled a Golden Promotion. When this happens, there is no post to be generated and you must choose from a list of players and a post will be generated on their wall. I used my energy account to get the images below.
Don't be fooled by the search bar, it will only let you choose players on the list and you can only search for these players. I decided to check up on the people listed. I posted my bonus on Little Marty and Kirstens wall.
Little Marty is a level 1 with a sense of humor. He chose the name "Enter a Mafia Name here" but apparently he didn't like Mafia Wars enough to make it to level 2. He only has 52 friends
Kirsten made it to level 24 but when I looked at her wall it was obvious she no longer plays Mafia Wars. She is quite popular in the bonus sharing program as her wall is loaded with these things.
You can create your own links for the first type of bonus shown and decide who you want to share them with. Ng posted the following image on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. The link that you get will work for all of your promotion bonuses with the exception of  the Golden Promotion.
Why would we want to share our Golden Promotion bonuses with people who don't play Mafia Wars? This just isn't right. Mike Nestor started a topic on Get Satisfaction titled Gold Level Up Bonus. If you would like this to change, please go there and like the topic and give your opinion. Hopefully Zynga will change it to match the same method of the other level ups.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Well and even if you get the change to sent it to your hard working and daily playing friends.... a lot of time they get the message that they only can recieve this reward (Zynga uses an other word but i forgot) when it is sent to them when they click on the post on their feed!! It happens me all the time and it's reported to ZYNGA, but untill now NO fix.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually the link generated from a normal promotion is also worked for Golden Promotion. ~Ng

  4. Actually the link never changes it is only reset when one levels, so from the post just before it a golden promotion can be claimed so long as you dont level again, it can be claimed by 3, and if you want to put one on hold if someone is maxed on collects you want to have it you simply do not allocate skills... until after the reset and they have claimed.

  5. @Ng, Mike and I tried it on multiple accounts several different times and the links only worked on the regular promotions. None of them worked on any of our Golden Promotions. Maybe it's different with different accounts but none of ours could make it happen.

  6. Hmmm, I think it only works for the 1st batch users who got this promotion bonus feature, my link always works even though it's already stored for 2 months, 2nd batch and 3rd batch users seem cannot get it to work, I understand. ~Ng

  7. i get +3 attack few times. =X

  8. check with the Gods, they know how to get golden link to work.

  9. i select a random friend, click publish, copy the link, click cancel, change part of the link next_action=LevelUpMilestoneClaim to next_action=LevelUpBonusClaim and message it to a friend. Works always (almost :/)

  10. Awesome!! The solution about changing a part of the link works!! I just tried it!! Thanks!!


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