May 4, 2011

Gifting Group "Applikasie Express" by Eike


Maybe most of you know about gifting groups. These are groups that share gift links from the Link-a-Nator, so everybody can get to his or her daily 200 gifts limit. Of course you don't need this if you have enough friends that post their links to their wall or status. But even I with more than 2000 FB-friends won't find more than 80-100 posts (status+feed).
Most gifting groups have two problems. First is that you need to be in someones mafia to collect their gifts, and second are slackers that only click links, but do not post their own.

I want to show you one of the best (probably the best) gifting groups around here. Its run by the awesome Mercia and a bunch of great other admins and it's called "Applikasie Express". 
Rather than using Facebook-facilities, we have an external forum, greatly enhanced to our needs by one if the admins, Nick.
Although the site is dedicated to gifting, we also help each other with Mastery Links, Mission Crew and other stuff. And we have our own internal Slotmachine group.
We also have an own bookmarklet to easily collect the gift links from the forum to paste into bagman mugger.
But the main reason why the group is so great is, because the members are very much engaged. And also because its quite strict with the members, we are monitoring if the members posts his links, or they will be removed access to the gift links. Everyone in the group is in your mafia, so you can accept almost all gifts posted. This way we're having around 120 people posting daily!
We are looking for enough members to have 200 daily posts. So if you
  • want to easily get 200 gifts per day,
  • are willing to get about 200 new family members (you will be pimped fast, but not too fast to be banned from facebook),
  • are willing to share your gift links in the forum at least 4 times a week
  • and want to give and receive help from others,
  • like a safe environment where you can post and accept gifts from verified members.
We also have a skype room where almost at any time someone is available to help you. 

Feel free to apply at our recruitment page and read the info page there. Please only apply if you really want to participate!

PS. This is not a family/clan nor part of a family, all members are welcome, untagged as well as from all families.

Article written by Eike from the Team Spockholm and co-writer to the MW Loot Lady Blog
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This is an interesting post, I have only one question, why post your links daily?? they are good for 28 days, and 40 clicks each, I renew my post bi-weekly for all the common items, and only post the spam events daily when they are running, so what is the advantage of posting daily??


  2. Unless something has changed very recently the majority of games will not accept an identical gift for several weeks. So if someone has received your 'Hammer' from that set they won't be able to collect a second one the next day but will have to choose a different gift from the set.

  3. Hi Evad :) I am the owner of Applikasie Express. I can assure you that Zynga is closing in on the expiry date, and they last a max of two weeks. When you start collecting in-time items like the hearts or spiders, and you want your 40 a day, plus your 20 Italy consumables, 20 Brazil consumables, 30 Special parts, 5 Raw Meat, 30 Zoo building materials, 30 Armory Building Materials, and you're on 170 items already... and you want to try your luck on some mystery bags and voila... 200 free gifts gone.

    Just to add, I am only accepting 10 new members a day, those who have applied will be evaluated and screened before they are accepted, so please be patient :)


  4. hello to all AE members!

    specially to AE Skype Room (c_h_-free room) LOL

    proud member,
    Voj ಌ

  5. Mercia, Thats for the info, and Glen I only collect bags unless an event is running, and I copy and paste a set and use the same set of bags for 7 days, I know i get a gift from the same bag day after day, you just need to wait 24 hours, well I know that how it is currently working with bags, I don't need anything else, but i post them to all any way, But thanks for all the great info

    PS I hit 200, every day, by 7am.


  6. No use as bugger doesnt work any more....

  7. Marcin, do you use it correctly because mine works, and nobody else is complaining ;)


  8. Can't seem to get an answer anywhere....
    Free Gift A Nator was working fine... then suddenly,, the links were "undefined". can't collect more than 16 links... Does anyone have a solution...... Thanks.....


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