May 31, 2011

Comment Moderation


Some of the comments are getting out of control so I need to moderate them. I've had to remove several comments and one of them threatened violence against me. One person even went so far as to post my address and phone number. Too bad his/her investigation skills suck. Comments that contain threats, racial slurs and/or the C word will be deleted and never published. Comment just as you have before but they won't appear instantly as I or one of the admin will need to approve them. Trolls should take their business to the forums and go back to where they belong.

Image removed: Players were worried that an address and phone number of an innocent person was shown. I know the origin of that particular address and phone number and nobody was in danger over it.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. That is outrageous. How anyone could cast any malice towards you is shocking.Is that what you get for giving the community so much more than any other site? Ice the lowlife Jen :-(

  2. Really dont understand the mentality of people sometimes ... I think they either need to up their medication, or just go somewhere, where their lack of creativity will be more appreciated.
    Thanks for what you do! ...

  3. this is stupid stuff these people are doing to a group of people who are out there wanting to help every one out in there games who ever done it should not even coment in the 1st place and grow up they should worry about there own lifes b4 worring about a gang of people helping out others in mafia wars GROW UP WHO EVER IS DOING THESE THINGS

  4. about time you take actions against it, full support jennifer...

  5. OMG. Don't like Mafia Wars? Don't PLAY it! Simple. Get a life haters.

  6. full support from myself as well. It is mafia wars GAME, but some folks just get too wrapped up in it

  7. I do not understand some people thinking. It is very frustrating and sad, what we can read one post below. These people are just jealous of how far you are and what you have achieved. You are our "MAFIA GURU" and we will always look to you as a person, who has an overview of our game. I think that there will be always some people, who will go against you, but I firmly believe that you will not get discourage of the stupidity those idiots, because we will always stand by you......

  8. Some people are just clueless (is that C word ok? LOL ) and are more akin to trogdolytes.
    Carry on Jennifer, love the site and appreciate having a 'one stop shop' for all my MW info !!!

  9. Wow. That's actually kind of scary.

    Way to go haters! You tried to come off as intimidating and superior, but instead portrayed yourselves to be creepy little gamers who are petty, malicious, and worthy of legal action!

    We got your back, Jen.

  10. That's nuts!! It's only a game.

  11. Is it possible to make those that comment actually register so that at least ip addresses could be collected? (ironically, I'm posting anonymously)

  12. bunch of foolish people, who got jealous of smbdy n who else?
    Guess some ppl never grow up!

  13. Your blog has helped me enormously, thanks for all your hard work, it IS appreciated!!!!!

  14. Sigh...well, there is obviously a subset of gamers who totally fit the stereotype: sad, pathetic little sociopathic misfits who still live with their mommies and sit alone in front of the computer 24/7, either jerking off or playing games because they have no life and no soul...and then there are the REST OF US. Wake up, morons; it's just a f**king GAME. And for god's sake, go get LAID -- spend some of that Porn and Reward Point money on a hooker instead of taking out your emotionally stunted frustrations on this woman who is just trying to help people with this stupid game while you hide behind the safe anonymity of the internet to spew your childish angst. Better yet; get a student loan and f**king go OUTSIDE and get a LIFE, retards. Jeezuz.

  15. Hahaha! This people are insane. This is like high school. Jennifer is the prom queen. Some nerds get obsessed by her and are devoted, some other nerds start hating because they just won't take to her to prom. The rest of the people just live through and happily ever after. And ultimately become the bosses of nerds and athletes. It's Mafia Wars repeating life, and it's kinda sad. Who could be the prom king? Pistol Pete maybe? =) Haters should really grow up.

  16. This is appalling. It's just a game. You have been a huge help, especially since I play completely by hand and without buying RP. I like the challenge of playing the hard way. Despite that, I am far stronger than average for someone of my size and level. Your guidance is one of the major reasons why I have done well in the game.

    Stay safe.

  17. WOW you mean to tell me ppl actually take this game that serious? To her haters why don't I give you my Address in Tacoma, WA and you show up here, but before we go there let me remind you of 1 simple thing come big or go home :) matter of fact go look at who use to have the Washington State Boxing Championship and the Washington State kickboxing championship both for 5 yrs back to back.... Dont threaten a woman come threaten me insted :) ....... Much love Jen you keep doing what you have been...

  18. MW LootLady,is what, I have always, past and present, Considered a perfect place to obtain information about a Game that I currently playing within a community , She will be continually looked upon as a Lady from my eye's point of view, no matter what any one post., Your Rock, My Lady
    {Don't sweat the small Sh?t} They are not worth any more time than it takes to push on a handle


  19. *shakes head* Some people really need to understand that behaving this way can and does result in legal action against them. Ganging up a woman who is trying to help the community overall, and even hating/trolling the hell out of her until she gives in is really a pathetic way to behave. Sounds familiar about some people's antics about bullying and targeting women specifically to get game cards or even just because some individuals are in a certain group. These situations are eerily similar.

    I do not see this kind of behavior being targeted towards the male bloggers. Things that makes you go hmmm.

    I support you all the way Jennifer. You sure don't deserve this kind of treatment at ALL.


  20. Jen-

    While I might not agree with some of the MW topics or glitches you or the staff choose to discuss, I am very sorry that someone got so stupidly butt-hurt over a GAME they had to take it out on you. My only real gripe was about adding folks without them being FB friends...I didn't care for that. Most everything else (99.99%)totally kicks ass.

    You go, girl! I offer my best wishes to really seem to care about the MW community, otherwise you'd be using your valuable time elsewhere. For that you have my respect and admiration.

  21. Jen.. there are only two words to describe you..they are,"YOU ROCK". Dunno about the others..but you got my FULL SUPPORT.. i'm sure there's already an army of Lootladies and Lootlads waiting to get the links of these haters...!!! :) count me in too :)

  22. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  23. sorry to hear that Jen
    suppose there are dumb asses everywhere looking for a little attention
    You keep doing what you do we all appreciate it

  24. Ridiculous people, thanks for what you do

  25. sorry to hear about all the trouble you are having with these twats on here. remember all your friends are here to help you.the best way to deal with them is to ignore them as all they want is attention. remember this the love of your friends will kill the hate of your enermies. kenny.

  26. That is absolutely ridiculous.

    The work you do for this community is second to NONE.

    Don't let it get to you. It's probably a sad little 12 year old ginger kid sitting in his basement, alone, anyway.

  27. Kenny's right- only thing to do is ignore them--stop acknowledging them at all. Even threads like this one add fuel to the fire- just go on about your incredibly helpful business. No need to defend yourself against the haters- you've got an army of fans ready to fight for your honor!

  28. SSG, US Army (Ret)

    Got your back Capt. Let us of my kind know if ya need us for any reason!!!

    Jery Pat

  29. This site is getting very personal and abusive from both angles. I will be visiting site which are more focused on the community.

    why is this site always post trigger question to make it more popular.

    I will be getting my rss news from a different source and point my traffic to mwmanic from now on.

  30. Haters gonna hate - a sad fact of life.

    Unfortunately, when you are a figurehead you will attract comment - good and bad, as well as the weird and creepy. Threats however are a whole different ballgame. As has already been said, the only sane way to deal with threats (while they remain virtual) is to ignore them.

    One thing I'm uncomfortable with though - why did you re-post the address on here? What happens when one of the haters with poor comprehension skills sees that? Have you considered the possibility that the innocent residents of that address may be subject to abuse aimed at you?

    You are safe in your relative anonymity, whoever lives at that address now doesn't have that same protection.

  31. You must of really pissed some people off! Maybe it was a loot deal gone wrong?

    You could of stitched a few players up to Zynga by mistake?

    They may just be bored with nothing else better to do with there sad lives.

    We all know banter plays a big part in this game and if you cant handle the banter maybe you should keep opinions quietly to yourselves.

    creating a topic to trigger more banter is not the answer?

  32. please take down that address before some fool does something stupid in that neighborhood to some innocent person


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