May 11, 2011

Boss Fight Consumable Drop Rates


By now most have figured out that the Boss Fight consumables items (aka Ammo) do not drop very well. There is also some confusion as to what the limits are. Customer Support says 50 a day but they don't clarify if that's of each or a combination. I found that the Knife Slashes drop best in New York jobs. I believe they stop at 10. I took screen shots before and after my run of doing the job "Make Arrangements for a Visiting Don" in the New York Boss Tier. You can see here that 14 Knife Slashes dropped but only 10 made it into my inventory. We see this happen with collection items once we have 5 in the inventory.
I also got 16 Crack of the Bats while robbing in New York. I didn't get a screen shot of the robbing log but took shots of my inventory before and after. Over 20,000 stamina was used as I robbed in two different destinations.
Fighting yielded the most items. I got 23 Knuckle Punches while using 17,600 stamina in Brazil.
I addressed the news feed issue with Shotgun Blasts yesterday. Players are reporting that when they get to 80 they can't accept more but if they burn a few they can keep collecting. Some players are reporting that they have gotten over 200 Shotgun Blasts from this method.
40 Shotgun Blasts a day can be collected from Free Gifts. Getting as many Shotgun Blasts is the way to go in this event. They do more damage than the other consumables and are much easier to acquire.
From experience on my other account and player reports, you need about 30-60 to take down a Boss. For now, wait until the 3rd code is unlocked, utilize it to get your achievement then Shotgun Blast each Boss to death and be done with this event. Don't read the 411 about this Boss Fight until the errors are fixed. For more information go here

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thanks Jennifer, I have yet to collect anything from fighting for boss fights.

  2. You are awesome :) thank you so much.

  3. Epic Fail on the event. It's just another spamfest disguised as a fight. Maybe if it took into account some stamina, or actually had a decent drop rate for fighting/jobs (I just burned through 23000 energy. Got 1 knife. :/ Brilliant. ) But really this is about collecting 200 shotgun blasts to kill the boss 3 times.


  4. its business...they made it scarce so that youll be tempted to use your RPs....
    LOL at zynga...i wont spend a dime in this game, ever...

  5. i am think we have to be EXTRA careful in what we meant form a name. eg Gifting events = sending of gifts to other mafias, boss fights = spending stamina to kill the boss etc. Like if we say we want a boss fight, we have to explain it to Zynga what a boss fight really is, and how we want to fight the boss by using stamina/energy or stupid ammo.

  6. just spent 5k energy in Brazil not 1 knife slash dropped, to think people pay rp to get these things done, maybe that's zyngas plan, to frustrate their gamers into paying for playing. will never happen here ;)

  7. you should do the lower jobs in NY !!! Once you get one, take another job .... I spent 150/250 energy for having 3-5 of them.


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