May 8, 2011

Atlantic City Bug Revisited


The Mafia Wars Fan Page wants to know if you "think you're good enough" to get a Parkour Master for completing all levels of Chapter 4 in Atlantic City.
It's rather insensitive to taunt your own players when there is a major bug in Atlantic City. Many are currently locked out of all Chapters in Atlantic City and can't even play.
I posted about this bug on Jan 24th, soon after the Customer Support Atlantic City: Stuck at Episode 1 page was created. It was last updated over 2 months ago and the screen shot above came from Jack's account today. Others have verified that they too are still locked out of Atlantic City. Here is what Tin's Atlantic City looks like (also taken today).
These players are probably good enough but how can they compete with bad code?  Either Zynga can't figure out how to fix it, they forgot about it or they just don't care enough to be bothered.
I must be really good because I own 6 Parkour Masters. In a different example of bad code, the Parkour Master was dropping in Atlantic City instead of the Gray Fox for a few weeks after the launch of Chapter 4.

Thanks to Jack and Thais for posting images of their locked accounts on the fan page and to Tin for sending me the image of his locked account.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I only started Atlantic city 2 weeks ago, as I never bothered thinking I had to use my Cellphone.

    Anyway finished first city and was locked out of the rest. Wrote to Customer Support who told me, they're working on it. BUT when I signed in a few days later I was able to carry on, and I finished all cities today and now am the proud owner of ONE Parkour Master.

    So I guess I was just lucky. I only did Atlantic City for the Mastery Items. I suppose it's back to hitting some jobs in Brazil hoping for loot, until we get new towns.

  2. Thought I should post this up, as it may (or may not) help people who are stuck :)

  3. you can play with your PC and dont need to play with a phone much esier to use that way gets you in and done

  4. Add me to the list of people who have completed the 1st district of A.C. but can not advance any further.

    Sveral months ago I did some work in A.C., finished the 1st district, then proceeded on and even did more.
    Then I went back and did more work in other cities I had not finished.
    A few weeks ago, I come back to A.C. and find that it's totally reset and had to do the 1st district all over again, and now I can not proceed past the first district even after fully mastering it.

    As the article above states, I think thaey just don't give a crap. :-(


  5. Chris "[MIG] noobasaurus"May 8, 2011 at 10:25 PM

    I'm the same - finished D1 of atlantic city and the rest were all locked. But now I revisit and find that D1 has reset (mmm, more tasty skillpoints!) AND I can unlock all the rest using the post above from mafiasecrets, you little ripper.


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