Apr 28, 2011

What Type of Event do You Like?


Zynga wants to know which type of events we like. Go to this Get Satisfaction topic and have your say. Since the thread was started by an Official Zynga Rep, you know they will be following it.
I also started a poll which lists all the types of events I could think of. Look for it in the upper right column of this blog. I didn't want to have a choice of no events because most players would probably choose that one. I think it's obvious that Zynga won't stop dishing out events. If they slow down and give us some variety, a happy medium could be reached.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. will you please add a shove the events up your butt we are sick of them choice?

  2. All i can say is , if Zynga can't see the general sentiment in that thread , there company deserves to go down the crapper.

    I have lost so many long term hardcore players over these spamfest events and most people i know are just barely hanging on.

  3. 2x fight loot event :)

  4. 2x fight loot event and sex event lmao

  5. hate the spam events!!!

  6. Yes, on the day the spider event started, a few of my players who are daily and serious players announced they are quitting and have not seen them since :(


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