Apr 29, 2011

Unreleased Spocklet


As a treat for readers of this blog and the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page, Team Spockholm is letting me post a unreleased bookmarklet. It has yet to be named but will show up soon on the Spockholm Mafia Tools website. I'll call it Crack The Safe for now. If Pistol Pete gets involved with the naming process, it may end up with a fancy name like the Crack-a-Nator or Crack-o-Matic. To check it out, follow the instructions below.

1. Click, drag and drop the bookmarklet below into your bookmark tool bar.

Crack the Safe

2. Unframe your Mafia Wars Game and from any page click on Crack The Safe now located in your bookmark tool bar. Wait a few seconds for it to load.
3.  Review your data. Without all the hassles of checking your Inventory Page, you will be able to see how many times you have cracked the safe, what loot items you received and how many points were added to your attack and defense scores.
I checked it against my inventory and it was 100% accurate.
Thanks to Eike for writing a cool bookmarklet and the rest of Team Spockholm for letting me post it here. Thanks to Mike Nestor for adding the bookmarklet to this post. Once it's on the Spockholm website, please go there to install.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I'm guessing there is more to the spocklet then: javascript:(function(){var a%3Ddocument.createElement(

    Looks like someone created the link incorrectly?

  2. I just fixed it, not sure what happened, sorry about that

  3. awesome great thanks for free things, actually this really helps a lot

  4. much obliged -- I was wondering how far along but had no desire to go count the various loot

  5. shame I thought it does it for you, not just add up how many you have. Its not hard to go to your profile and count how many you have...

  6. very helpful - many thanks!!

  7. IF the spocklet had a feature to actually add the reqd # of players to crack the safe till 100...wishful thinking I guess. A manual count is VERY easy, one just have to know how to use filters..

  8. My reply is totally irrelevant to this topic.. Lately few of the people that I attacked had 492 bengal tigers. How is that even possible considering that it was one of many items that you can win from the xmas gift event?

  9. Anonymous said...

    IF the spocklet had a feature to actually add the reqd # of players to crack the safe till 100...wishful thinking I guess. A manual count is VERY easy, one just have to know how to use filters..
    April 29, 2011 11:11 PM
    100 safes X 5 adds each = 500 adds
    Pretty easy if ya ask me.

  10. Does the spocklet work if you have finished the event? I tried it and it wouldn't work on mine and I have finished.

    Thank you!

  11. Frankly, I wouldn't mind a spocklet, that would allow us to know how many gifts we have left to accept for the day. Thus, when I'm close to the limit of 200, I could become a bit more selective till I am done for the day.

  12. This is yet another brilliant spocklet,the comment above me from Marian is a very good idea please could you come up with something like that,which would tell us how many gifts we have accepted---Keep up the good work.[501ELITE]DON 1.

  13. You where exactly "right on the money". It worked like you said it would and gave me all the information I needed to know where, I am at. I am far from being "done" with that part of the game and they are using my friends list that do not play MW's like my Pastor...none of my Mafia has shown up as options to choose from in getting the required 5 friends that you need. So Thanks for your work for developing the new bookmarklet....well done Sherry

  14. Too cool! As usual, gratful for your support!

  15. Reb, you have always been the first to get anything. lol I love that you always find the cool tools to use. Keep up the great work, I am loving it.

  16. Very nice...Thank you

  17. As ALWAYS, thank you so much :)


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