Apr 30, 2011

Reward Point Discount Popup Change


I've noticed lately that when I get a Reward Point discount offer pop-up, the offer disappears in about 15 minutes. Here is the one I got when I first logged on today and they aren't joking when they say "limited time".
I was going to make a purchase but I noticed that taxes were included in the discounted prices.
I live in Las Vegas and it's rare to find a state imposed tax on anything because of the gambling revenue the state brings in. Time are tough so I went to the Customer Support Tax Information Page to see if Nevada changed their tax laws. Nevada is not listed as one of the states to impose a tax on Reward Points.
When I went back to my game, the Reward Point discount offer was no longer valid and the regular prices did not have taxes on them. I have no clue why this happened but feel Zynga was trying to pull a fast one on me.
Misty Dady made a post on the Mistyfied Mafia Wars & Pimping Blog showing that some players are getting a Reward Point discount offer pop-up with fine print. You can see that only one of the three packages offered on the pop-up is actually 30% off.
(original underlying image from Mystified Mafia Wars & Pimping)
If you look at all of the packages, the ones starting at $50.00 have the 30% discount.  Maybe if Zynga didn't shove a discount pop-up down our throats every 10 minutes, players may not wait for discounts to buy Reward Points. It appears that now you have to spend more than you may have planned to even get the discount offered. You also need to do it quickly because it may not be there by the time you find your credit card.
(original underlying image from Mystified Mafia Wars & Pimping)
I guess this is what they chose to replace the ridiculous pop-up that some players started seeing on April 2nd (1). At least "up to 30% off" is more accurate than "While supplies last".

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i buy rp regularly or used to, now is occasionally, but.. U most likely 1st saw the initial popup about 15 minutes to the next hour.. these promotions or discounts usually last an hour at least in all the cases i'v e seen/bought they have.. so while u went and investigated the tax laws the clock most likely ran into the next hour and the discount had exp;ired..

  2. My normal prices for Reward Points are 5$ for 35 RP. I don't ever get pop-up discounts, but those are always my options. You're a platinum (I'm only a gold tier 60 something) so you've spent a lot more money than I have. That's crappy you don't get better prices, I would say something to Customer Support.


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