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Apr 6, 2011

Platinum Customer Service?


While looking at my Loyalty Program page in the Marketplace, I noticed a change.  There is now a box for Platinum Level players that says "Questions? Contact Platinum Customer Service".
I clicked on the link and the "oops" page was flashed.
It redirected me to the Zynga Customer Support Page with a non working Live Chat image on the right column. The idea is good in theory but I don't see how they will prevent the link from being posted for all players to use.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Oh yes, such a great idea for people that spend tons of money to get better service than people who don't. Even if I DID spend money on this game I don't think its fair for everyone else who doesn't.

  2. that did not answer me @ all 4 days in a roll

  3. I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana


    I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana

  4. Actually .. that link has ALWAYS been there, at least since I've been Platinum, for a few months now. And the link did used to work but it went to REGULAR customer service, not expedited or special in anyway.

  5. You get what you pay for, that is the reality of life. People who spends more getting better service should be the way to go.

    We can gripe and moan all we want, but if we have the money to spend, we would expect better service as well.


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