Apr 26, 2011

Operations Loot


Those who do Operations have probably noticed by now that the best loot item rewards are as rare as their description suggests. They are so rare, I don't even bother to do Operations because it's not worth my time, energy or stamina. Kanu, the creator of The Mafia Wars Gods, made a cool chart that shows the best Operation loot items and what Operations they will drop in.
Arvind Jain, one of our admin of the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page, posted a awesome Operation reward that one of his mafia members received. It's possible but not probable to get 4 rare loot items for completing one Operation.
It's also possible and much more probable to get 4 common items. Zynga should really update all Operations loot so that common, uncommon and rare items will add to our overall attack and defense scores. More players would utilize the Operations feature if they did. I'm sure they will get around to that as soon as they update Robbing, Treasure Chest and Crime Spree loot!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. [♠]I dont know but i think zynga hate me....first no operations for 3 months and now only common as rewards.....bad luck???i dont think so ^^

  2. crime spree hasnt been updated in like ever ...........

  3. took me like 80 missions (for new loot) to finally get one rare...that 1st image is pretty rad. I've got like 3 rare be4, but that was long, long time ago. There are so many worthless things in MW. They need to update the wheel and lottery...or better yet, just delete em.

  4. done waste energy on no guarantee operation...

  5. Hey Jenn,
    Prior to the new operations coming out, I was in the same mind set that you were in... Just about ready to stop doing any operations. I was doing anywhere from 5-10 per day and getting a "rare" item about 1-15 operations. I am an admin for a small group that is strictly dedicated to getting operations done quickly, so I couldn't really walk away.

    However, since the new ops have come out, I'm getting a rare item about 1-3 operations, sometimes better. I've picked up several infighters, some more sleeper shots, 13 screech owls, 12 rainbow boas, 12 ostrich hand grenades and about 16 crab claw cutters. I have also gotten a few more grim reapers and Z17 Micros, also.

    What I have found is that the operations are getting done much faster than previously. We used to have 4 or 5 open operations in our group every day and now they are full and / or finished within an hour. I've noticed that your odds of getting good loot increase dramatically if your operation gets completed within an hour or two. If you have campers and it drags on for a day, then you can almost guarantee a sack full of bunk loot.

    I will continue to do the operations; but, I'll make sure that I do them with people that are dedicated to getting them finished and not camping out all night.



  6. What I've noticed is that I get a fairly good drop rate (1 out of every 4ish Operations) of a rare item, until I have looted 10 rare items. After that point it seems that no matter how many more operations I do I only received uncommon and common rewards. I only do the new Take out a Rival Op and Evade the Coastguard, so this information does not include any of the old or less desirable Operations.

  7. To clarify I meant until I have received 10 items for the day.

  8. There is a possibility for a 10 rare loot cap for a day, but definitely no change whether you finish the mission quick or finish it just before it expires. I have done 1200+ of the new missions since they came out. Last week (4/19) I posted at 600 new ops completed I had 108 of the rare loot items from new ops. Today with 1200 new ops completed I have exactly 180 of the new mission loot ( 7 days, 72 rare loot). It could just be that when I took the measurement the first day that I was 2 loot shy of getting to the 10 rare loot cap? In order to test whether or not it exists you would have to have someone provide evidence of getting a similar amount of rares in significantly less ops... that or have Zynga admit to it. Good luck with the latter.


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