Apr 7, 2011

Operations Boot Issue Solved


Yesterday Mike made a post called New Operations, New Loot and Changes. I updated the post with an issue some players were having in regards to booting out slackers. Many were finding that the little x was not present on their helpers box.
Here's the deal. Mike mentioned a new feature in which we can also be a helper on Operations that we initiate.  If you decide to do this, you won't be able to boot anybody from your Operation. You can see here that my energy account was the initiator of this Operation and is also a helper.
Here is a view of the same Operation from my energy account. If you see the word "Me!" as one of your helpers than you will have no x's and can't boot anybody from your Operation. You're stuck waiting and hoping that your slacker(s) will finish in time.
If you don't join your own Operation then you have more control over who stays and who goes. Here is another Operation initiated from my energy account.  I joined with my main account and became a slacker. Because my own energy account didn't also join the Operation, the X was visible.
I clicked on it and booted my main account from the Operation.
Because there was only this one slot left, I joined and finished the Operation myself enabling all the other helpers to get their reward. If you are both an initiator and a helper, you don't get double the rewards so it's best not to join your own Operation unless it's for the purpose of completing it when there is one slot left.
Thanks to Otheym for doing some research and figuring out why some were unable to boot slackers.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. wooohoooo Thank you jen i knew if anyone word get a answer on this you would, Thanks Again


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