Apr 7, 2011

Crack The Safe Loot Items


Thanks to Rodney, Melissa, Yuen, Mark  and Thunder Crew for posting their Crack The Safe rewards on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. I still don't have the feature on my account but this makes me want to start the spam! Once 5 people join your mafia, you get a pop-up alerting you of your reward.
Here's how it goes. Thanks to Teq from the Mafia Wars Gods for summing it up for those of us who haven't yet cracked the safe or don't yet have this feature.
There is no reason to stop the spam because you can crack the safe more than once and get even more rewards. Here are the loot items that we know of so far. Please post your rewards on the fan page and I'll add to this post as more are discovered.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I got one called MonofFin too 100/60 if I remember right

  2. Thanks so much ThunderCrew, I found it and added it.

  3. everyone i know that finished the old one does not have this. but everyone i know mainly there looters that never did first one has this. starting to think that if u finished the first one might have to wait or may not even get it

  4. I finished the first one...come to think of it, I got that one before most of my friends did. I need one more person to get in my mafia and I will crack the safe again.

  5. how i get this i dont have it yet on my screen

  6. how many time can you do it? unlimited?

  7. I stopped counting after I had more than 2 of everything...............

  8. were do I find the link ?? "Crack the Safe" is no were on my MW page

  9. <- dont have it. I think that my server is the last to get everything, lol...

  10. got all rewards. some even twice. search for more friends.

  11. Great feature to have to spam people again,But you would have to add 20,000 new mafia to max out on these top items.
    Have a look at my note for top loot you can get without paying or cracking the safe.

  12. You are welcome good work you all do in here I share your links on my FB and on my web site as well

  13. at the moment I have 88 idem's from crack i safe
    Half Rack x19(19)
    Dolphin Submarine x13(13)
    Monofin x21(21)
    Charging Bull x19(19
    Bottle-nosed Dolphin x16(16)
    have starting it on 8/04/2011


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