Apr 13, 2011

One Of Our Own Walkthrough


The Limited Time Mission, One of Own came out of no where. We get a little over 6 and a half days to finish it and if planned right, there should be more than enough time. The loot rewards suck except for the Grand Prize so you want to make sure you finish this one. Here are all the tasks you will need to do and the rewards you will get along the way. Don't forget that the experience rewards are based on your level so yours won't be the same as mine.

Part 1
Missing In Action
Get Support From Your Mafia used to be a pain in the ass until Team Spockholm solved the problem with this dreaded task. You can use the Link-a-Nator or the Mission Crew Link bookmarklet to make the first objective nice and easy.
Rob 8 hotels and loot 12 Hotel Security Keys while you wait for your mafia to click on your Mission link.
Hotel Security Keys can be looted by doing the job in District 4 of Las Vegas.
You get 3 crappy loot items called Belt Fed Shotguns when all objectives are completed.
Part 2
One of Us
Collecting on your slots 3 times will take a total of 12 hours assuming your Slot property is available for collection prior to starting the first objective.
Fight 24 players in Las Vegas and do the job 15 times to get your rewards. 
The loot items rewarded for completing all tasks in Part 2 is are two more pieces of crap called the Gilded RPG.
Part 3
Only Temporarily
Use the same link you generated in Part 1 and respam your news feeds. While you are waiting for 12 mafia members to click on your link. Take out the 10 Armed Guards which can be found on your fightlist. It costs 10 stamina points to attack one of the Armed Guards but you will never lose.
Part 4
Rob 15 times, craft to vehicles from your Chop Shop and do the job Blackmail A Car Dealer in District 1 of Las Vegas. There is an 18 hour wait between crafting vehicles.
The loot item rewards are more crappy giftable Las Vegas loot. What's up with that?
Part 5
Rescue Run
The objectives with Part 5 can be done at the same time. Just fight 26 opponents and ice 4 in Las Vegas to get 3 more crap loot item. Where is the love?
Part 6
Let the Pros Handle It
Win 20 fights in Las Vegas, win 1 war and take out 10 Heavily Armed Guards. The only difference from these guards and the ones in Part 3 is that they are "heavily armed" and cost 17 stamina each to attack.
Finally there is a loot item worth getting! The Grand Prize for completing all objective of Mission is a Exo-Skull Helm with stats of 83/145. This about makes up for the load of crappy Las Vegas loot that just polluted my inventory.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. FBMWaddon does the same thing creating a tiny link through tinyurl.com AND their link does not fail do to an overloaded spockholm server. Due to the large number of players using the spockholm bookmarklets it is better to create the tiny.

  2. meh - I am not doing it. Tired of this crap

  3. I think I'll pass on this one. VERY useless rewards prior to getting the not-so-grand prize. effin zyn-goons.

  4. Jenni - That was the funniest walkthrough I have ever read! If I hadn't just finished Brazil I wouldn't waste my time. But since I have no Crack the Safe or Golden Promotion, I am relegated to this to make up for some of the loot I'm missing out on.

  5. Thanks a lot for this guide. Quick as always. Very appreciated :)

  6. Think the price is too high for the crap and one good item. Job in Vegas X15? gonna cost me 1200 energy for nothing. Think I'll expend energy elsewhere,

  7. all this for one crappy helmet???
    i try it, if time runs out ..so be it lol

  8. Thanks Jen ^_^ Great job as always <3

  9. just finished the Brazil missions, and now this ??

  10. Jen, I got to hand it to you. Your dedication to this blog is extraordinary. To waste all those precious RP on stupid loot, just so you can whip through a mission and post it on you blog for all of us is just simply crazy. But hey, I always had a thing for crazy women... You and your admins keep up the great work. You guys with your dedication and humor are what keeps me coming back here everyday.

  11. On an earlier post, there was a req for an ingame option for energy pack, i would also like to see an ingame option for recruiting players for mission crew. I always have problem with this even when i use the spockholm link and post on the newsfeed. Players seem to be reluctant to click on these links. I always end up using the reqs and send them out manually. The Brazil mission crew no problem at all, just post the ingame recruit crew and wait for it to be filled. Yesterday, when the spockonme links were overloaded i used the FBMWaddon links for free gifts. Nobody sent me back. I waited for a while and tried generating the spockonme links again and was successful and posted them to the newsfeed and only then i got some back. Not sure what was happening there, my players prefer/trust spockonme (?)....
    Regarding the observation about more spam if ingame options are available for EP etc, tbh i prefer these interactive posts where we can help our players and i welcome them and prefer my players posting their MW stuff, rather than have them lying low and only post like once an hour etc. I like my newsfeed to be busy when i am online and see active players rather than a slow newsfeed but then again i only have 1000+ mafia so maybe those with 4000+ mafia have a different experience.


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