Apr 28, 2011

Mafia Wars E-Mail


I got this e-mail from Mafia Wars. It's kind of busy but they are trying to advertise two features in one e-mail. If one wasn't in tune to what is happening in the game they would be confused.
We know the "legendary" (aka old) Terminator and Rambo are going to have a fake fight that involves a lot of spam in Mafia Wars. What does a gifting event have to do with buying Marketplace items? It seems that Zynga is trying to fool their uneducated player base into thinking that they should buy loot items in the Marketplace in order to somehow benefit in Terminator VS Rambo. Maybe the 4 items are somewhat Terminator and Rambo themed? It's a stretch and if so they could have come up with better items that people would buy based on the coolness factor.
The Sumatran Tiger and the Spined Hog have already been released. For an extensive list of unreleased Limited Edition loot items, visit the Mafia Wars Collectors site.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!!!!

    Clearly you don't get the reference. I'll buy it just for their moderate wit.

  2. Are Reward Points the "currency" that you can buy by means of paysafecard?
    How much real money are 25 Reward Points?
    I love using paysafecard for online games so I have about 13 Euros left - is that enough for 2x25 Reward Points?


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