Apr 19, 2011

Energy Pack Timer Issue


Here is what your new Energy Packs will look like. Notice the 23 hour timer.
Here is what we were told yesterday on the Official Mafia Wars Blog. I would like to point out that "your feedback" was asking for this. Most loved the 6 Mini Packs a day. They just hated begging for them. Many feel the new system that doesn't yet match what is in game will be a waste of energy. Most players only need a little energy to level and the Mini Packs gave them that option.
The post referenced above has been updated and says "UPATE 2011-04-19 12:16PM PST: It has been brought to our attention that a number of you are seeing 23 hours as the refresh rate on the new Energy Packs. We are working diligently to correct this issue, and everyone will soon see the new Energy Packs refreshing every 8 hours.". This shouldn't surprise anybody!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. The Mini-packs worked good 4 me.. Now its back to waiting for 8 hours :(

  2. The mini-packs were nice to have, as it seemed like we got more energy. However, the begging and spamming your friends while they're at work or sleeping sucked. It took most of the day for me to acquire the 6 packs....that's with over 1000 people in my mafia! They needed to include the orginial "ASK" button that posted to our walls like the rest of the game does!

  3. GReat 3 energy packs and I can't use them becasue of this timer cross over issue grrrrrr

    I want my energy and I want it now!


  4. "diligently"...so they might fix this next chrismas...

  5. NOT getting my vote in 2012... Zynga sucks

  6. quit honestly Z needs to get their head out of their a$$!!!
    #1 = 6 mini packs(energy or stamina)
    #2 = 1 regular pack(energy or stamina)
    and if they are going to make it every 8 hours--should be the same for either mini packs or regular packs,
    and i agree= make it an option to post for help to live feed!!!
    and for you people that have problems getting help(LEARN TO MAKE LINKS!!)that works the damm same as posting help to live feed-chumps

  7. i never even got the 6hr energy!!

  8. I'm going to miss the mini's greatly. But at least i got the chance to fight all day long, on the 2/3 accts that had them, at least 3x apiece.
    Maxed on frogs, and nearly done w/brazil props. Half of the last one left!
    Of course mini's had to go. They work too well.

  9. bring back 6 pack and make the mini energy packs giftable rather than requesting daily / or post to wall for pack..

  10. I am shaking my head at the latest change, what dorks ! The mini's worked, simple, we needed stamina packs, not two steps back ;-( Arrrrr.

  11. It seems to me that most people liked the mini packs, so where did zynga get the idea we did not like them, this new system sucks and is going to be a waste of energy for a lot of people, this is the most sensible thing anybody has said. Anonymous said...

    quit honestly Z needs to get their head out of their a$$!!!
    #1 = 6 mini packs(energy or stamina)
    #2 = 1 regular pack(energy or stamina)
    and if they are going to make it every 8 hours--should be the same for either mini packs or regular packs,
    and i agree= make it an option to post for help to live feed!!!
    and for you people that have problems getting help(LEARN TO MAKE LINKS!!)that works the damm same as posting help to live feed-chumps

  12. yes, bring back the six and just add an ask button that post to wall instead of having to spam friends.

  13. I am still waiting for the safe ZYNGONS come on!!!

  14. The Mini-packs worked good for me. I level up each time i use one. And i could use more then 6 each day. I had save up 6 to use but darn lost them and got 5 of the old packs. and the morons put a timer again. And its not 8 hrs as they said but darn 23 hrs . WHEN will zynga listen at us players huh. I recon never. I am soon going to give up this game after yrs of playing.

  15. The energy packs have been 23 Hours since I started playing over a year ago.. so thats not a new thing..

  16. this is terrible, want the mini energy packs back, more energy, and better when you just need a little to level... dont make us hate you more zynga!!

  17. we want the mini energy packs, better energy and better when you just need a lil bit to level up, game is already hard enough as it is with all the damn "limits" already... come on guys!!

  18. screw you zynga, give us mini pack back

  19. I believe you made the suggest tomake it one pack that breaks down into 6 minis. what I mean is you only have to beg for one and its logged as 6 minis. I thought that was a great idea.

    All this begging has made me want to stop for a while the spider thing im not even doing

  20. I loved the six packs, with my daily morning links i would have six in no time. Zynga you just dont get it :(.

  21. I was happy with the one big pack and if you mange it correctly you won't feel you are losing much. With the new big costs for Brazil ruby level jobs this is now even easier!

    I am sat we 5 energy packs now that I cannot use! gggrr. Small ones are fine and agree about the posting to wall for them.

  22. Maybe you should try, with both options!
    smal e.packs and master e. pack.

    i like small packs for now

  23. ** the asking system for the 6 mini packs (sending to ask, asking to be send?!??!) was MOST confusing.. as there is NO MONEY in it for zynga.. and we have SOOOOOO many thinks we have to spam/ask/gift.. why not cut this one loose and have them to auto refill every (24, 16 8, or when ever.. !!???) .. and for the big packs.. well if they REALLY go every 8 h.. would be quite a lot.. and as 'mini packs' we now have energy from Brazil and still the FF tool bar..!

  24. The mini packs were easy to manage... never wasted energy or stamina, got more done and played more often throughout the day, which is what you would think Zynga wants, now i'll go back to playing a few minutes in the morning and maybe a few minutes before bed if I feel like it... Maybe I'll just quit altogther and go back to http://www.addictinggames.com/ where I can get lost for hours in one game or another..

  25. Wow, i had the Mini Energy Packs for 10 days, and now they are gone again. That sucks!!! I loved them, and really want them back. As mentioned, 125% energy packs will be a BIG waste of energy for alot of players, me included. I hate Zynga sometimes :(

  26. Minis were great for modulating level ups without wasting energy - sucks that they'd yank a good thing so soon. Now we'll have to micromanage out level ups 3x a day (as if we didn't waste enough time already with all the b/s!)

    mini packs- no spoil
    and dont change the timer to 8 interval...
    i love the 23...why keep changing for the worse? this is bs!!!

  28. How about just collecting your energy packs like you do your properties and using them when you need to. No posts...no begging.

  29. I am having the 8 hours timer... ^_^


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