Apr 13, 2011

Crack The Safe Do's and Don'ts


Myself and many other players finally go the Crack The Safe feature. I know some still don't have and I hope you all get it soon. The in game instructions don't tell you a whole lot. Most of us already know we need to get five friends to join our mafia to get one the five new rewards.
The first thing I need to mention about this Crack The Safe feature is that the 411 page has some discrepancies when compared to what is actually in the game (1). Don't blame the 411 guy, he probably doesn't have the feature either!  The fist thing that is wrong is there are no steps we have to take to and you don't get a loot item each time you complete one of the said steps that don't exist. All you have to is add 5 members to your mafia and you will get one of 5 random loot rewards.
The second issue has to do with a "final Mastery item". The 411 says you will get a Monofin once all steps are completed but the Monofin is just one of the random loot items you get for accepting 5 mafia members.
You can see below that I have 3 of them already.
There are a few things to keep in mind when cracking the safe. When you finally get the feature it will be located on one of your main Home Page Modules. There will be an "Invite" button under the 5 slots you need to fill.
When you click on one of them, you will get an invite screen and you can send your requests. Don't go nuts and invite everybody because you need to pace this thing to get 5 new members at a time. If you send out 40 requests and all members accept before you accept your Crack The Safe reward, it will only count for one run not 8.
Now is the time to check your Friend requests. If you are short, go to all the respectable pages and look for add me threads. It's best to have people send you invites but you will need to send some too. Just be careful not to send out too many or Facebook will give you a temporary ban from sending friend requests.
I've been behind on my requests so I have over 500 waiting. You can accept as many as you want as fast as you can without worrying about Facebook having issues with it.
Once you have a bunch of new friends, send a few Mafia Wars invites at a time or wait for your new friends to send them to you. When you accept them from your My Mafia page or your Zynga Message Center, make sure you don't use the "Accept all" button if you have more requests than slots to fill on your Crack The Safe page.
You can check and see how many slots you need to fill right from the Home Page.
When all positions are filled, it will say "You Cracked The Safe!" and there will be a "Collect Reward" button.
You will get one of the 5 loot items listed on the Customer Support page.
Your Home Page will now say "You Cracked The Safe!" and you can't start over until you refresh your game.
Make sure you have refreshed the page and you have a new Crack The Safe with 5 empty slots before you accept any new invites.
Another thing you need to not use while doing this event is the Remove Non-Friends From My Mafia link. Deleting mafia members will count against you. If you remove 5 mafia members, you will need to accept 10 new ones in order for them to count. I'm not sure if the negative count will go below five but most likely it won't as this is how it worked on the last Crack The Safe event. More testing is needed to get an answer to this question.
So far I've gotten multiples of all the loot items except for the Half Rack. It will be challenging to do this 100 times but I'm going to try. I'll have to remove some mafia members as my friend count is now at 5,000. I really wish Facebook would increase that.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I received a two day ban for sending out too many friend requests. MW wants you to add friends and is giving us gifts to do so, and FB doesn't want us to. Someone should make a decision and everyone should follow it.

  2. I'm sure I'm not talking crap here when I seem to recall some time ago Zynga getting their wrist slapped for trying to encourage us to add friends... I can't remember the exact details, but in the wording somewhere there is something that goes against FB TOS. So how do they square that up with events like this?

  3. still waiting for it, i finished brazil, i finished the brazil missions, i finished the latest spam fest with the cyber war, and im still waiting, twiddling my thumbs with not a lot to do. HURRY UP ZYNGA !!!!!!

  4. Can you get the link your sending out and post that on your wall so people who are your friends now can click on it and help you out? Where's the post from a few weeks ago that showed how to do that? Wonder if it would work? Anyone try?

  5. unbalances the game for me. Altough I have 500 fhel4 and plenty of italy and brazil loot, I have only one active MW player and I definitely won't add new friends just because of this. I could never complete gifting events or other things requiring other players, but it never was a major drawback if I farmed enough loot and was a daily player. But now, with them capping the new loot not at 1 or 3, but at 100, I'm going to get my ass kicked by players who don't even know what farming and proper playing means, by players who have like level 400 or lower, not even 1000, who perhaps played the game for 3 months not 2 years like I have, but who have no problem adding people they don't know or even ever seen in their lives as "friends". I don't know anymore, is this a Computer Game or a Dating Sim Site???!!! because in my opinion games should have the best loot for playing the game not for doing the producers (zyngas) job of finding new players fot it.
    They are putting their work on our shoulders and we cheer to it, why don't they start employing players to fix the bugs in the game for free? means less work and less cash loss for them and a less bugs for us, I'm sure the players won't mind doing some work, if they get a few colorful pictures in return, say, 30 lockpicks?
    I liked MW, even loved it, it was a nice way to spend time in work when you had nothing better to do :), but now that they began using their own players so obviously for their own promotion for their own profit and gain (they always did this, but it never unbalanced the game as much as it does now), now, I feel it is time to quit.

  6. i STILL dont have this feature and feel ripped off, while some players have had it for a week or so and have managed to get 100 + of loot, i have none, getting impatient while waiting for it

  7. I have more accounts than anyone really should because i like to test each character type and its sub types and NONE of them have this. Is this the same thing as the one last year? I did have something like this many months ago but i can barely remember it and for some reason never took any screenies.

  8. Thanks for the detailed info Believe I can dothis now! THX!

  9. Well, after having played for 1.5 years with my main account and having 2 others I'm just stopping to play.
    The 2 other accounts have the safe, one from start, one since 2 days, the main account still not.
    This night Zynga resetted the energy pack counter and for me that was the drop overfilling the bucket.

  10. A dd me safe crack rapid


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