Apr 12, 2011

Bypass The Facebook Limits with Mafia Wars Mobile


If you go to your Atlantic City page, you will see that an update was made to include the Zynga Message Center and we can now accept Facebook requests "on the go". We all know we can also accept them from our PC by using the travel bar in our Mafia Wars game.
Bill e-mailed me an interesting discovery. If you get a request from someone who was returning a gift to you, you will be told that you already set the person a gift an be given an option to send others in your mafia a gift instead.
Here is where it gets good. Most of us are probably familiar with this screen when we attempt to send out mafia gifts. Facebook limits us to 32 or 40 at a time.
In the scenario above, Ben was able to send out 152 request at once and bypass the imposed Facebook limits.
I haven't been able to reproduce this because my request page on Atlantic City mobile looks nothing like the advertised version. I'm told I have only one request and it's an old mafia invite that was already accepted. According my my ZMC, I have 50 requests so this can't be very accurate.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. Now did these sent things actually go through?
    I can send things all day long until FB gives me pink page for spam or I run out of mafia members.. just 32, 32 more, 32 more, 32 more.
    But once you have hit the limit rest of the things go to black hole and people don't receive them.


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