Apr 23, 2011

Animal Parts


Red Mystery Bags now contain Animal Parts. I'm not sure what we are suppose to do with Animal Parts or how they are useful in game.
Most of us should know all to well that Zynga got it right with Mystery Shipments. Animal Feed is what Animal Parts are suppose to be called and they are used to craft animals in the Private Zoo.
It's too bad that the vast majority of Mystery Shipments drop Animal Feed. The description of Mystery Shipments is one of the biggest farces in the game. I would like to point out that Animal Feed is needed for one of our potential animal builds and not one of our buildings!
They really should fix the Red Mystery Bag/Animal Part error. Zynga has already found themselves in hot water with PETA over the Pit Bull incident (1). As a animal lover and life long vegetarian, I don't appreciate getting Animal Parts in my Mystery Bags. After all, Parts are Parts!

Thanks to Will A. Launier for the e-mail and Karan Sheth for posting this error on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Mystery Shipments just drop whatever property items you still need.. if you finished your Village in Italy say, you won't receive Italy upgrade parts. Most people have finished everything so get Feed.. I presume that Animal Parts and Animal Feed are the same thing.. same pic..

  2. @Ricky
    i haven't build all italy properties, not max, no stadium yet. same goes to vegas casino. all shipment drop on mine is animal feeds.

  3. @Ricky, I assumed that the readers would have known that and made cynical remarks about Animal Feed because of what happens in game. Most don't have Brazil fully upgraded and would probably shit their pants if a Construction Worker of Brazilian Timber actually showed up from one of these. The Animal Feed thing isn't intentional and Zynga is "working very hard to correct the issue".

  4. "very hard" my ass, Zynga works? won't believe it until I see something fixed...

  5. Peta are biggest hyppocrates on the earth


    ps: I'm vegeterian too

  6. Pamela Anderson is hypocritical. I've seen plenty of naughty videos on the interwebz where she shoves lots of meat into her mouth.

  7. I am for the proper treatment of animals and I'm a vegetarian myself as well but pit bulls are the main dog for dog attacks and bites, but that does not matter this is not REAL. THis is a game, I don't care if in a game dogs are being tested with a mutant virus and I have to shoot them (Resident Evil).. THIS IS NOT REALITY PETA THE GROUP CAN BE SUCH IDIOTS AND BABIES!Q

  8. Does it have a horse head in it? lol

  9. We're playing a game where we pretend to kill people, and your moral compass goes off at animal feed being misnamed "parts"?


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