Mar 5, 2011

What To Do With Cuban Pesos


Now that Cuba is locked down, players want to know what to do with their Pesos. You still own all the Pesos your earned but you can't really utilize them because all the Cuba pages are closed including the bank. What you can do is convert them into Las Vegas Chips.  The maximum amount of Pesos you can convert a day is C$1,000,000 and you will get V$40,000 Las Vegas Chips. To do so go to your Las Vegas Vault and click the "Convert" Tab. Select "Cuba Cash" from the drop down menu, choose the amount of Las Vegas Chips you want and click the "Convert" button.
You can convert cash once every 24 hours.
I guess I should state the obvious and declare that Las Vegas Chips are worthless to many if not most players. My Vault has been at maximum capacity for months.
I have used the excess to by Desert Spiders so my opponents can't steal them.  I now have over 3,000 of them!  100 Spiders cost 35 Million Las Vegas Chips and I can sell them back for half the cost if I ever need them in the future. Some players think Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok (if it is next on the chopping block) may come back revamped when the story line is finished and aren't going to bother trying to dump their Pesos. I'm not going to because I really don't need the extra Las Vegas Chips. If Zynga would let us convert the to any currency then it would be worth it. The Vault was a great concept but limited by the fact it can only be used to get more of a worthless currency.  Kind of like Trader No-Goh!
You can still collect on your Cuba Properties by going to I'm not sure if the Mafia Wars Mobile Team is lazy and haven't removed it yet or if the properties will stay.
Brawler hasn't been updated to reflect the change and will show that you healed with Cuba Pesos. It actually heals with the currency of the destination you are fighting in. You can see here that my Brawler run logged in the Pesos used to heal because I had my heal city set to Cuba. Screen shots of my bank show that I lost more Rubles than I gained. This is because they were used to heal.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thanks for the comment about pesos not actually being used to heal - had not noticed that the actual currency was coming out of the brawling city - I had tried setting to Cuba to heal and found that what seemed to happen was that Brawler would "choke" during a run and have to be restarted - but once I switched to some other currency, then Brawler ran smoothly as always.
    ~ smiley corbeau

  2. Loot Lady,

    Perhaps hold on tp all the Rubles and All the Pesos for another month or so. In talking with a Zynga employee, I have said I like the Cuba In Crisis Event, he stated "Wait until to see the ending"-This he stated Knowing I was finished with the event itself. Was there anything specific you can recall? I also read that it may return, perhaps 10 times better? My Guess is the cities are getting a make over like Las Vegas and Italy and Perhaps even Ruby Mastery level with useful items that help with stam/energy times.

    Mike V PAC

  3. yep, i'm with you Venniro.


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