Mar 16, 2011

Reflections of Brazil


Having completed Brazil with a high level energy account, it's time to reflect on what I like and don't like. I like that there are no paths to choose from. It's nice to just do the jobs that are available and not worry about which path I should take. I think the loot drops look pretty cool but the rates suck. I like the bonuses for Crew members but don't like all the spam it generates. The consumable items are easier to manage than in Italy and Las Vegas but it's annoying that there are no links directing you to the job needed to make them. The energy requirements are huge and nobody likes that. I didn't mind Stamina jobs and Boss Fights but you won't find them in Brazil. I like that the mastery items add something to your character and are not just one piece of equipment that could be outdated at anytime. I like that the properties offer something different but can't stand that there is no easy way to upgrade them. Why not make building parts giftable so we get a chance to enjoy the benefits. Many players still don't have their Villa's upgrade because of this and I hate to think the same thing will happen here. Brazil is a straight up energy game much like New York. Many are also comparing it to Atlantic City. I haven't had a chance to fight and rob and check out all the Crew bonuses. I think it will take forever to finish on my main account but now it's time to start trying.  If only my energy account were real!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Well , there is one thing quite positive: The new Crew system is quite funny and makes one try to have a new approach on the different aspects of the game. This is something that could (should) be further developed.

  2. Hi Jen, have you heard of anyone missing collection items in Brazil?... The jewel that everyone seems to get when they collect their first property, I got the notification that i received the pink diamond, but it's not in my inventory... Any ideas?

  3. From what i seen everyone i have talked to have lost there gold collection items last night.

  4. sjrichardson......the jewels can be robbed from your inventory, although I have spent several thousand stamina robbing, I haven't received one by robbing yet. I did lose all of my jewels overnight, so I assume they can be robbed.

  5. It is EASY. I have 2500 Energy and think I can complete Brazil within the week if not sooner

  6. Hey Jen, remember that this is still Beta. I assume when this is released to all players that the building items will be giftable. Its frustrating now because players always want to complete all their properties, but I'd hold off on complaining that its too difficult to complete these until Brazil goes live for all :)

    I agree with you in that the drop rates are terrible!

  7. @anonymous: you won't. this is some tight ass city whree you need HUGE energy to complete it fast. a good overview lootlady, some more info on the loot would be nice - which items, what building material....

  8. I did a stamina run of 1500. I was suprised that there were no Brazil items that dropped. Currently the loot drop is at 4.5% so if you aren't maxed out on fight loot, now is the time to do so. I had 6 of each drop. Normally I get 1 or 2. and I got 18x (63 31) Corpo Armature
    30x (53 34) X-22 Peregrines.

  9. i dont like the crew idea. it requires more spam in what is already a steady stream of it. i wasnt too pleased to see that zynga wants to keep up the enforced begging to build props up.

    other than that i like brazil alot.

  10. fighthing brazil is fun..there is 25 times attack is very fast to finished 6000 stamina now..

  11. My .02 on Brazil - I hate the lack of information. Compare to Vegas - you know what you used, how much you have left what dropped. In Brazil, I have no idea how much energy I have left unless I scroll all the way back to the top - which is a pain because the text and graphics are way too big. Stuff drops and I can't figure out what it is. Doesn't seem to click or have a mouseover to tell you an item name. I like to pre-buy equipment rather than banking, but you don't get the option if you have used up your energy.

  12. Do people who join your Brazil Crew get anything out of it?


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