Mar 27, 2011

Please Update Giftable Loot


Get Satisfaction is a means to get your ideas and feedback to Zynga. Richard Latham of Pay It Forward used the site to propose an idea about making more loot giftable.  Please join him by liking and commenting on his idea. Loot from previous destinations should be made giftable when a new one opens. The gifting and trading sites are at an all time low because there is nothing of value to gift or trade. Sure the loot sellers are being stopped in their tracks but there has to be another way. Making all players suffer to stop a few isn't helping moral in the community and many are choosing to leave the game. To join in this thread, go here. The more likes and comments it gets, the more Zynga will have to pay attention what players want.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Abit too late for this i think , Trading in the game is near a stand still and alot have gotten bored and left.This problem has been posted a few times in the forums and no answer or replies from any mod or zynga :'( very sad.. Its not just playing the game that keeps people here its parts like trading/clans, you get to make alot of friends and keep interested in the game too. Im sure this is hurting clans too.I lvl twice aday takes me about 40 - 60 minutes then im done and bored outta my mind :'(.Been back on the xbox abit lately :D at one stage i didnt play it for 2 months :O but lately its more fun then playing mafia. So far newbies have it tough with the closing of cities and brazils energy needed. if i was a newbie now id get a couple of lvls and leave to hard to keep up and wheres the fun gone :(

  2. my dear friends:
    I believe I am not the first person have this problem the MISSION BRAZIL have bugs .. this morning play the game and do it this mission the letter RB is in the silver I go outside and return late ...when open the MW page for start this mission is missing only you can see the Last mission NY ..and cant play

  3. that guy jack beakwik sure hits a home run! zynga not smart enough to put 2 and 2 together! lower loot gifting = lower revenues!

  4. I'm all for opening loot from old cities to trading, as soon as they can solve the issue of item duplication. This absolutely kills the value of all the new items that people worked months to accumulate, allowing for a select few to make enormous profits off of duplicating items and pumping them into the wholesaler market.

  5. when will all you idiots realise - Z only care about CC players - CC players do not care about what is or is not giftable from job loot cos they buy from marketplace and pay Z's wages - all the rest of us are just an inconvenience to them costing them server time and space

  6. I understand that there is a need for some items to create revenue (from the marketplace), however do not understand why there is a need for those items not to be giftable, and realistically lootable, once they have been surpassed by new(er) items.
    It makes sense (to me at least) that all "parts" should be giftable ie construction workers etc as some in brazil may be finishing italy and need help.

  7. "when will all you idiots realise - Z only care about CC players - CC players do not care about what is or is not giftable from job loot cos they buy from marketplace and pay Z's wages...."

    $1000's are spent/ traded daily on GC that are in the trade market. Many who you would call a CC player are really just power traders, racking up multiple GC's per week for the loot they accumulate. These type of "CC players" DO care about when loot is giftable. It would be nice if you didn't call people idiots and then post anonymously

  8. Thank you Jen for posting this!

  9. I've redeemed over 7000 dollars in GCs and I've never spent a penny on the game. I'm broke as hell. Does this make me a CC player? No. I don't have a CC. I'm just trading.

  10. if at the least make the loot drop ratio's better on older cities

  11. What does CC mean?

  12. CC = credit card
    GC = game card

  13. How do u get a game cards for free?
    Look if they change the rules then Jen's or Chesters butterfly knife record can be broken!


  14. I actually think this is great, everyone should get their loot by only their (one) account, having a serial leveler energy account with which you can farm loot and afterwards send it to your fighting account which has high def. and att. is stupid and cheating in my opinion, same with trading sites who have such accounts and use them to make real world have to decide, either get a lot of loot or have good att. and def. and don't rely of X accounts...nothing easier than to have 5 serial leveler accounts based on energy and stamina and repeat operations indefinitely just by yourself and your 5 accounts till you get 500 from their loot, afterwards send it to your fighter and bam, you are the strongest ever....lameee....

  15. Agree with the post above, it would be hard for people who have energy accounts and obtain many loots and send it to main account. Loot sellers would benefit from this and many will max on the strongest giftable loot.

  16. My only problem is us, the little guy, who don't have 20 e-ho accounts serial leveling for loot. Z's approach is to balance loot drops against players that have 10s if not 100s of thousands of energy. The one who gets the raw of the deal is those of us with 2000-4000 energy. I can honestly say, having everything in Italy to ruby, that I have barely a handful of the top IHEL. If they make the top IHEL tradeable, what effect would this have on the game? Sure, the trade community is hurting and all that, but it might spur more e-ho farmers into action....

  17. I'd rather not make it will have screw people who have only 1 account considering the drop rate is horrible. Now if a person, let's say has 20-30 energy accounts. He will be feeding his main and in no time will max the loots which is unfair for the one account player..Z is just balancing the game playing field.

  18. It would be nice if HEL was giftable but the people selling the stuff for real money or GC's are the one's that have ruined it for everyone. I now am glad the stuff isn't giftable after my account got hacked and all my wp's and mission loot was stolen and I'm sure it was for selling purposes. If you want to complain, complain to the sellers.

  19. The post above makes sense and one of the major points that loots are not giftable..please do not make it giftable..At least the consumables could be giftable but not the top loots.

  20. Make some more stuff giftable stop penalizing fighters as we have extra items bought with our victory coins and fhel that we would like to give out to our mafia this game is becoming a boring drag with all the little events you guys come up with that we would have to spend 12 hours a day to complete mafia wars used to be great back in the days of moscow and cuba and bankok you guys making it so high tech and random has really impacted the game imo with these random drops i like to know what i am getting so i can build stronger attack or defense with certain items obtained from jobs take all the crap items out of fighting drops what do we need more crap for just put like top 2 items in each category and all consumables into the drops rather then come up with more new consumables in the next city let us use up some of old crap less clutter in the game explosive arrows i must have 1000 of them just from fighting there good for nothing make stuff useful in my opinion i am a gold tier play very close to platnium but till i see changes in the game you wont see another penny from this fighter amelio s


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