Mar 16, 2011

More on Brazil Properties


Now that I unlocked all the properties in Brazil, it's time to check them out. As stated before, each property unlocks once you master the first job of the corresponding District. For review, here is what the in game instructions say about your Brazil Holdout.  For more details on building requirements, check the Mafia Wars Wiki Brazil Properties Page. They are still updating so not everything is there at this time.
Here are the images off each property, the upgrade parts and descriptions of what they will do for you.  Each property has 10 levels and the problem I see is with upgrading. 3 of the items we have plenty of and they are giftable. The last two building items aren't on the Free Gift page, aren't giftable and the drop rate while doing jobs totally sucks.  All you can do for now is ask your mafia for them and get 5 a day or spend a lot of Reward Points. This part is not cool and hopefully it will change once Brazil is out of Beta.

There is nothing special with the Headquarters property. It generates Brazil Real which you can collect every 8 hours. The amount of Real will be dependent on the property level.
Here are the upgrade requirements and the payouts according to the Mafia Wars Wiki Headquarters Page.

The Workshop produces 10 different consumable items used in various destinations in the game.  A new consumable item unlocks with each level and I suppose you would collect whichever one you need every 18 hours.
I'm not sure if you can make more of each item as your property level increases and we won't know until somebody upgrades their Workshop and lets us know. For now I was able to collect on Local Informant.

Black Market
The Black Market is like the Port in Italy. Items will unlock as you upgrade and you can build one item every 23 hours.  You can hover your mouse over the locked items to see what they are. I didn't see any special abilities.

The Refinery is cool in that we can get a percentage of our overall energy every 8 hours. It starts off at 2% and goes up 2% with the first upgrade. If the pace continues, we should be able to get 20% of our total energy every 8 hours. That is if you are able to upgrade your Refinery to Level 10.
The Barracks is just like the Refinery except it generates 2% of your total Stamina every 8 hours. This also increases by 2% when you upgrade to Level 2 from Level 1. I know the fighters will like this but will they ever be able to farm the upgrade parts?
The graphic images will change with every other upgrade. For now they are kind of plain looking and if there is every a good way to get upgrade parts, they be more ascetically pleasing.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Easy enough to farm the parts...... Have the first 3 on level 3 and am waiting till I hit district 5 to upgrade anymore as the energy and stam boost look might yummy ;)

  2. One input.....I got Brazilian Timber on fighting....Don't know if thats correct but anyway

  3. got stuff before property was open and it just did not post. You can only get it from drops but it is not yours unless you have the property open - thinking level 943 maybe my last. If it was not for your insights I would have walked away long ago. Thank you for providing the information we need that Zango cannot be bothered with..........

  4. Does anyone know the code numbers for creating your own Construction Worker or Brazilian Timber link?

  5. Do we need a total of:
    245 Reinforced Steel,
    245 Cement Blocks,
    245 Power Tools,
    380 Construction Workers and
    245 Brazilian Timber
    to upgrade every building to lvl 10?
    Or are the required amounts of parts for the Workshop doubled at each level-up?

  6. u where is the single collect on them can only see collect all thats useles to have to collect the energy and stamina in 1 turn

  7. WTF is the guy above me try to it in English

  8. oh man you guys were so dumb back then lol


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