Mar 16, 2011

Brazil Collections


There are 6 Collections in Brazil. The first one called Precious Goods Collection is a little different from the others because you gain the items through robbing and the collection can be re-vaulted.  All other collections are easily obtained through loot drops while doing jobs. You can't re-vault these collections so the items are useless to you once you vault them the first time. This also sucks because the drop rates of rare items will be even rarer as long as these things are dropping.
The bonuses are great so it's worth asking for these items from your mafia if you aren't planning on doing Brazil anytime soon. All collection items except for those in the Precious Goods Collection are giftable.
Precious Goods Collection
+10 Defense
+10 Attack
+50 Health
My Precious 
The Precious Goods Collection is different because you can steal them from other players through robbing. This is cool if you are the robber but not so much if you are trying to vault and some joker steals them from you.  As stated before, this collection can be re-vaulted and you get a random bonus for doing so. I haven't been able to get any of these except the Aquamarine from the Daily Take and it was stolen soon after!

Beaches Collection
+30 Health
Musical Instruments Collection
+12 Attack
Amazonian Plants Collection
+20 Energy
Drinks Collection
+20 Stamina
Head Dress Collection
+15 Defense

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I wonder what you get for revaulting the Precious collection. :)

  2. But you can revault them only once per day, and when you revault them you can choose 20 k Real, 10 Def, 10 Att OR 50 Health.

    Dont get to exited ...

  3. well probly the gun since its a rare and no superior or ultimate :)

  4. how come youve completed them already? thats a hell of a lot of energy !!!

  5. I like the fact that they are not giftable :)

  6. I can't find any new updates about the Precious Goods collection, I would think lots of people would be asking about it because lots of people keep revaulting the collection every day, sometimes many times a day, while the rest of us wonder how they do it. Their answers are always vague. Why are there not detailed walkthroughs on just how we can do it, or is there something I have missed?

  7. I forgot to mention, none of my precious goods are ever stolen! And I am never able to rob any! The binoculars only last for three robs and I've tried everything the vague answers have suggested (collecting all properties from brazil at the same time while on the brazil property page, robbing from the grid, private robbing, etc.) The only time I get one is rarely while robbing on the public grid, once every 3 months or so.

  8. I've never been given a choice of what the re-vault gives me.


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