Mar 30, 2011

Create Your Own Mission Crew Link by Arvind Jain


Hello Friends .. Greetings!
Below is a narration relating how to create our own "Join Mission Crew Help" Link. So for now, stop spamming your Friends Gift In-Box and their Walls and follow the step by step procedure and start creating your own CREW links.
1. The below instructions are for Google Chrome. For Firefox Browser, the procedure is same but you have to install an Add-on called FIREBUG!
2. The method demonstrated below can be used to generate links for any type of Crew Help i.e. either Crew request for Brazil or any other special Missions which requires you to call for Crew Help.
Right now, am taking the Mission Crew Request to illustrate the procedure.
1. Under the heading "Get Support from your Mafia", click on the tab "Get Help".
2. After hitting "Get Help", a new pop-up window shall emerge where you can see your Mafia Names along with the tab - "Send Mafia gift Request" highlighted in BLUE BOX. You don't have to select any of your Friends from the list. Just hover your mouse on the"Send Mafia gift ....", RIGHT CLICK on it and select "Inspect Element" as shown in the image below:
3. As soon as you select the option "Inspect Element", the bottom ONE-THIRD of your screen will look like as shown in the image below. Scroll Up/Down in the respective box to look for this sentence - "I need your help to complete my mission ....". Check the image below .....
4. When you come across the respective message, specified above, Right-click on them and select"Edit Attribute" as shown in the image ....
5. After you select the option "Edit Attribute", the whole text, starting from the word ..."I need your help ..." till the end of the link shall be highlighted in WHITE Background. After you see the white background, LEFT CLICK your pointer at the start of "http://" and select the whole link till you come across the capital letter "D". After highlighting, press CTRL+C to copy the whole link. To be more elaborate on this, please view the image pasted below. Note: Please ignore the "SINGLE QUOTE" both at the beginning and ending of the link. IMPORTANT NOTE: RIGHT CLICKING the mouse on the highlighted part and copy-pasting the links onto any Notepad or Wordpad (via Right-Click) will break the link when you paste them on your wall. Moreover such links will never work and will not provide any Crews for your mission. Only use Ctrl+C to extract the exact link from the respective location.
6. Well, you are almost done now. Go to any website which can short this lengthy links for you i.e. or Copy down this shortened link to a Note Pad or paste it on your Wall and ask your friends to click on them and join your Mission as Crew Member.
Feel Free to share this bit of information with your Mafias'.
Good Luck ~Arvind
Article written by Arvind Jain, Creator of Arvind's Notes.
All material is protected by copyright law



    install mafia war add on to help you to create any link that you want to post from the game

  2. To further expand the above first comment:
    How to make 2X Mastery boost links, simplified by MWAddon

    If you have FB MafiaWars Addon installed (latest v. 3.3.4),

    1) hover mouse on the green arrow to slide open the menu drawer (Upper Left Corner)

    2) click on "open Job Boost"
    > on the pop up window(wait for it to finish loading)

    3) click "Get Tiny URL"

    4) copy link from the tinyurl tab that has opened

    5) go back to previous MW page, close pop up window
    > repeat all steps until u make all 5 links (by closing the pop up window, you will reset the link to make a fresh one)

    Note that 5 links can be generated by you per day & you can collect only 5 links per day as well. You will get an extra boost in return if someone click on your link successfully.
    FYI, this Addon is also a good back up for other auto scripts.
    It can also generate your Gift Links when Link-A-Nator is having problem.
    It is a back up for PS MWAP Autoplayer and Brawler. If you like this Addon you can pretty much use it as the sole script I like the one that helps you send gifts to everyone on your wall.

  3. I didnt get a context menue and i cant make an right click on "send mafia wars gift request. Im using Firefox. Which browser do you use to make this links?

  4. try mafia war add on it work 100% to create a link...

  5. These are Google Chrome instructions. I had to click the link again after 'Edit Attributes' to get it to change to white; other than that it worked fine.
    I have 2 missions right now that need crew; I haven't asked for either and by simply accepting my incoming crew requests I have 9/10 on one and 4/7 on the newer one, the last 4 counted on both Missions. Unfortunately it took maybe 20 requests to get the 4 that counted. It seems random if you get 'accepted crew member' or 'been added to crew'.

  6. Yes, FB Mafia Wars Addon takes care of all links, including giving one for 2x mastery boost. Everyone needs this script and guess what, you don't have to unframe to use it!

  7. you dont have to have Firebug to find your link in Firefox
    in the pop-up window where you select your friends, just right click in the upper left corner, click: This frame/view frame source. A new window open with a lot of code . use CTRL+F to open the searh bar in the bottom. paste this to your searchbar:
    now you will find a green mark in the code .the line AFTER the green mark is your link you have to copy all there is BETWEEN the 2 ' (colons)
    starting with the http://apps.... ending with....22%7D
    like this :|6082266%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22appinvite_giftinterstitial_page%22%7D&sendkey=7fc5574a77c6d2687aaa99848cc4fad1$$chN1RVQT47bZYhg8M-o.!P)21PEZcnDuw53snxcgp5.5gHxeK50hIXtslNLzVClEKfQJCWa&ztrack_category=free_gift&ztrack_subcategory=3000_Mission Crew&ztrack_creative=free_gift&next_controller=freegifts&next_action=accept_gift&next_params=%7B%22from_user%22%3A%22p|6082266%22%2C%22from_user_ppid%22%3A%22p|6082266%22%2C%22time_id%22%3A%221301568463%22%2C%22loop%22%3A%225335465ed3cc6d5e29fcf00ebb38a363%22%2C%22item_cat%22%3A%221%22%2C%22item_id%22%3A%223000%22%2C%22gkey%22%3A%22c26d81f5a79726183ea1a522589c9316%22%2C%22giftback_key%22%3A%2263a8837a448c1ed4fc2c0a48b79616eb%22%2C%22mult%22%3A%221%22%2C%22exclude_type%22%3A%222%22%2C%22quest%22%3A%22663%22%2C%22task%22%3A%221%22%2C%22simple_key%22%3A%2215854121791301568463%22%7D
    now you just paste the line into TinyUrl, Bit ly or what you prefer

  8. Well written. Was able to to make it work using Chrome. Life's a little easier.

  9. Hi,
    I cannot find the words "I need your help to complete my mission" anywhere in the elements text after hitting "inspect element" as described. Any hint on what I need to do?


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