Mar 8, 2011

Carnaval Mask Gift Combo Event Sneak Preview


I just posted the 411 information about the new Carnaval Mask Gift Combo Event (1). Here is a sneak preview of what it will look like. We should all see it on our accounts sometime tonight.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. can we not do this again?? too many of these begging missions.

  2. They have still not spelt Carnival correctly

  3. FFS!!!! WHYYYY?! MWLoot Lady, I IMPLORE you to get across to zynga that everyone HATES these gifting events!

  4. @Stormwatch, this is how we spell here in Brazil. It's CarNAval.

    What is wrong about this event are those Venetian masks... those are not the type of thing used around here in Carnaval... you may find some around, but are far from being that representative..

  5. Great! More popups while fighting, more free gifts than won't turn to MBs and will there be more people who run around with hundreds of Air Brazils like it was with the Cardiac Arrests?

  6. Right hand man, "Hey Boss, theres another gifting event going on..." (cut to new, smarter right hand man, on phone)
    Boss (heard over phone), "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in. You said they were through with those accused things!"
    Right hand man, "I swear, i thought they were!"
    Boss, "Don't worry, it's taken care of."
    Right Hand Man acts scared, "What do you mean boss?!?" *faint sound of ticking becomes apparent*
    Right Hand Man turns to camera, the sound of ticking gets louder.

  7. they just pulled the whole thing LOL

  8. Bugs bugs bugs:
    Clicked on a "Get a carnaval mask" link (one I may have clicked on before), and it displays
    "Sorry you need to be a higher level to participate in this event."

  9. i got the bug...
    "The event is over...."

  10. when i clicked on collecting the masks it said the event is over....u might want to wait until tomorrow before collecting any

  11. Beth Hartley a.k.a {K.A.S.} WTF {R&L}March 8, 2011 at 7:49 PM

    Just tried to collect 3 masks sent to me and got this message.:The event is over! Here is a Mystery Bag. Your Mystery Bag contained: Magnetic Lock. WTH Mafia Wars!

  12. they are masks from Venice ... there Italian not Brazilian,

  13. I come and see I've got over 40 of these waiting for me to open...I go to open and up pops the following message, "The event is over! Here is a Mystery Bag."

    I actually did a screen shot to show ya'll...

  14. I had a load collected, Tried to open another which turned to a MB, Checked mw and the event is gone, I think a lot of players wont be happy :(


  15. Same as Churk, think they just canned the event. well, i just enjoy watching Z trip over themselves every single time they launch an event. its just pure drama, disaster and mayhem that I have grown used to. just sit back, strap on your seatbelt and enjoy the crash! Thank you Zygna!


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