Mar 17, 2011

Bi-Winner Not Bi-Polar


Yesterday I told you about a new Marketplace loot item called the Bi-Winners. I pointed out the description that says "All you need to deal with fools and trolls" and wondered what this was all about.
Mr. Simy0 has sent me a link to a Charlie Sheen interview way before the item hit the Marketplace. I watched it at the time and just thought Mr. Simy0 liked Charlie Sheen. It all clicked when someone made a comment on my blog referring to Charlie Sheen. I've been living under a rock called Brazil lately. Here is the video where Charlie Sheen explains the origin of the term Bi-Winner. I might have to buy one of these now. I deal with my share of trolls!  Click here to watch now. Sorry there is no embed code so you have to go to abc.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Also a ripoff from Sheen:

    Blood Tiger
    This animal has only one speed, one gear and Adonis DNA.

  2. Seriously? You really need to live that thing called life. I'm not sure if I want to laugh at you or pity you. Granted, Charlie Sheen knowledge is not a perfect barometer of your awareness of reality and all non-computer and non-Zynga events, but you literally haven't been able to watch any news program or read any newspaper without hearing something about him for a good 3 weeks now. The only good thing about the Japan disaster is how it knocked his crazy ass off the front pages. (I know I don't have to explain "Japan disaster" because Zynga has been collecting donations. It's a sad day when Zynga is your connection to the world.) This obviously isn't directed specifically at you as I don't know you, but rather people of your ilk who substitute the digital world for the real one.

  3. anyone knows when 'The Charlie Sheen Circus' will end?


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