Mar 31, 2011

Beat The Devs


Thanks to [MIG|OG] Tex for an early view of a possible upcoming event. Go to to see a preview. Scroll to the bottom to see more images. If you are smart like Eike Meier from Spockholm, change mafiawars-ctalbot in the url with inthemafia and it will take you to the game. I don't think it's live yet as you get the message below.
This should be fun. I'll have more information as it becomes available. For now this is all I could dig up.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Seems like a boss-fighting event to me...

  2. Seems like a April Fools event to me

  3. Think its april fools
    Nothing happened when I played
    clicked thru killed them no hit point to me,
    no reward.

    Some reason my log truck disappeared from defense?
    Chopper came back?

    The Whale

  4. Whale, that might be cause the (ruby) chopper has 190 D while the truck only has 143

  5. [C4] Silent MercenaryMarch 31, 2011 at 10:43 PM

    LOL I love the 'cards' we get after defeating the devs. And beating the snot out of them, of course ;)

  6. At least were not trying to build a Castle like last year...

  7. if these devs r really real they are pathetically weak.. i beat every single one of them w/o taking 1 hit to my health?

  8. waste of time I kicked their ass without damage. They should fix the game and stop doing this events.

  9. They heal quick now an do damage as well.

  10. If you look at the last sentence it does say April Fools... oink oink again... hehehe 8P


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