Mar 17, 2011

Bangkok Not Closing For Now


With only 16 hours left of Battle in Bangkok, many players accepted defeat and gave up on trying to complete Bangkok.
Cerulean Master delivered the good news and informed players that Bangkok will not close as scheduled.

 03-16-2011 until 04-01-2011
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Bangkok Will Remain Open

Hey Mafia Fans,

We have decided to hold off on the closing of Bangkok since we still have so many players attempting to finish it. This does not mean it will not close in the future, but for now, it is safe.



Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i dont think that this is gonna help anybody. i only had to finish tier 7 from mastery 3 1/2 to mastery 4. being a lvl 2k energy account that is no problem energy-wise, except for the cash one needs!
    that has always been the real problem! if i let my mwap run the entire night and have it go to bangkok whenever the en-ratio allowed to collect money, id check in the morning and saved up 8million. and then once a day you can use the energy pack to farm for more money, but it still isnt anywhere near enough. the en-xp-ratio is so low that you cannot possibly lvl until mastery 4, so even if you wanted you couuldnt collect enough money?! i barely managed a few hours before the original coutdown to finish of the last tier!? i had to sell every other item i had, and even sell tems for tier 7 that i didnt need for the last jb to get enough money!? unless they give players 100mio in cash, no one can finish!?

  2. Open back Cuba and Moscow!!!! The lower players need the skill points.

  3. I only got started on Cuba when the Mission came out.I missed achievements and skill points.Same with Moscow as well. Open them back up!!!

  4. If you need cash in Bangkok.. SELL SELL SELL.. sell off all of your item from the first tier. It will be enough for you to finish...or close to it.

  5. I finished bangkok....before it was originally scheduled to close. It was hard work but I managed. I'm proud.

  6. Haven't you all noticed we're only locked out but they aren't off the drop down??? I have a sinking feeling they're being re-vamped to look pretty like all the rest with better loot. They'd be smart to do that instead of trying to think of new countries.

  7. like my previous anonymous said.....sell! but if u gained max status, you could just buy the good fraction items, with cool att/def stats. I've abandoned the attempt in finishing the ruby round in 5a and 5b...because of extreme huge energy required. so that would be for the energy infinite click and click and click and click to do.

  8. yeah they could do the coding for revamping those cities in the meanwhile

  9. this will definetly help me

  10. please open Moscow :( I have not completed the last episode :'(

  11. r[i]bs... you can get into Moscow by clicking on a Bring Back the Pack crew collection post... it kicks you out if you try to fight or anything but maybe you can stay long enough to finish the last episode... hope so, good luck :)

  12. Please. Plenty of people finished Bangkok without 2x or 5x mastery, which proves that it can be done. I agree it can't be done in a week, but now that it is staying open you can finish it if you want to.

  13. I finished Bangkok with 1200 energy, it can be done and sell all your previous levels items, I had enough to finish.

  14. I finished all of the levels prior to them starting to close and Bangkok was by far the hardest, but it can be done.
    Just as everyone has said before sell everything, and bank everything as fast as you can so it can't be stolen!

  15. Well that's nice yesterday I sold off all my inventory took all the money in Bangkok and put it all into the best Animals and Armor in the Faction Store. Got 20 Banded Krait and 20 Xiamen Tiger 20 Yakuza Assassin and 15 Shaolin Bodyguard got a nice kick to both my ATT and DEF. Don't know if this was smart but I figured why lose the money. Don't know how long they will keep it open but still had all of Episodes 5a, 5b, 6, and 7. So was it dumb or not ??

  16. If your going to sell Items make sure your health is below 20 so when you do sell them no one can take the money from you...

    Also I don't care to much bout the loot (except the mastery Items) I just want the SP's plus with them opening up Brazil with the collects of +12 DEF and +20 ATK ... so its hard to stay focused... I still got BK to finish (just started 5a) LV and Italy.... both of which are energy black holes...

    Also you don't have to get the Diamond level mastered in BK for the mastery Items... only Gold

  17. The best way to get the Baht to finish Bangkok is find someone in you family who has finished it and has the un-needed Baht..fight them for it..its the quickest way to get what you need to finish...

  18. Close all the old stuff and Zynga just needs to fix all the bugs, before they go crazy bringing new stuff out :)

  19. I have heard a rumor, Yep a rumor, That if you complete Brazil Cuba and Moscow will reopen for you. Hmmmmm. So what do you think????


  20. ZYNGA open up Cuba n Moscow back for t new New players to earn more skill points....


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