Feb 8, 2011

Loyalty Program Update


Looks like all players now have tiers in the Loyalty Program.  I talked about this 18 days ago (1) when these mysterious tiers were first introduced. Today my account was updated and I was notified that I was a "Rock Star".
It looks like I'm not the only one to see this update today as my new feeds are packed with player sharing their tier promotions.  Clicking on "Get free Loyalty Points" from these posts will do exactly what it says unless you have reached your daily limit of free Loyalty Points.
There is still no update to the Customer Support Loyalty Program 411 and FAQ Page to explain to us what all this means.  The last time this page was updated was well before tiers were introduced.  Check back to see if they will give us more information.
If you click on the little question mark, you can see that they did update this page by adding the number of tiers for each level.  They changed a few other things around as well.  You only need 100 Loyalty Points instead of 200 a month to maintain Gold status and they make sure that players understand that the Loyalty Point payout for reaching the next level is a one time deal so those who level drop won't get it again.  You also don't get the big bonus for reaching the next level right away. You have to gain a determined amount of tier levels in a 3 month period of time.
Here is the old one for comparison.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.

All material is protected by copyright law


  1. maybe,it is for rewardsville that soon to be launched..............

  2. Yeah! WTF is this shit!? and when i got the popup saying i leveled my Flash crashed in all my browser windows! Its a scam!!

  3. Knowing darn well there is a Diamond tier, it would be interesting to see the requirements for that. I have never found anything on it.

    These tiers should give us some benefit of which I'm not entirely sure. Like for each tier within a group, you gain +X% off when buying points or whatever.

  4. according to the MW wiki:

    "The Diamond category is for players beyond Platinum, and is invite only."

    I guess that sums it up, huh? No riff-raff allowed. PT Barnum said it best "Why didnt I come up with Mafia Wars?"

    TY for the article Loot Lady :-)

  5. The Diamond Tier, Is not "Invite Only",
    well, maybe the "invite" is from ZYNGA...

    In order to reach Diamond Level, It requires a lifetime Spend of $7,500.

    In order to reach Platinum Level, It requires a lifetime spend of $1,250.

    In order to reach Gold Level, It requires a lifetime spend of $500.

  6. Its the same old mathematics 0.01777 progression for in game loyalty and 0.17777 for purchased loyalty

  7. If you reach gold but drop back down to emerald, will you still get to keep the gun?

  8. Well done Zynga... A player 10 tier from reaching gold will have more chance to spend more money to reach the gold status...

    Benefits are low anyway... Just a weapon and it won't change the fact that no matter how much you spend each month, some people will still spend more and be stronger....

    I'm emerald, play for free and win 99% of the fight I initiate on the fightlist, no matter the level... You want me to spend to gain 0.2%?


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