Feb 7, 2011

FrontierVille and Cafe World Cross Game Promos Over


The FrontierVille and Cafe World cross game promotions involving the New York buildable properties(1) have officially ended.  According to Cerulean Master, Super Moderator, you can still build the items if you have the parts but you can not make new parts (1). I never liked this cross promotion so I'm happy to see it go.
If you check on your properties, you will see that the items have not been removed but the "Build Parts" button is gone.
Thanks to Ryan for posting the forum link on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I still have 358 beaver pelts to build with,should last me awhile : )

  2. aww...i wish i stock up tons of pelts n invoice. especially when the pelts reward can be obtained thru self generated link XD still got few tens left tho.

  3. @corey
    holy shit...would you gimme some? that would last about 1 year XD

  4. while having 300+ pelts would be nice, its time for me to start building stamina, so after I use my last 30 Ill get cracking on Rebel 2's....I have a few weeks to hoard BPGs :-)

  5. still have 90 invoices, though i may not be able to use them all since zynga may remove the buildable loot items.

  6. id be surprised if they removed the buildable items, and folks would scream for days/weeks/months about it.

  7. pelts reward can be obtained thru self generated link ?

  8. if someone wants to share add me "Mimis La"


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