Dec 23, 2010

New Cross Game Promotions


In case you don't have enough to do in Mafia Wars, there are 2 new cross game promotions in Cafe World and FrontierVille. These promotions are better than ones we've dealt with in the past because we don't need to worry about leveling up.  Both promotions are found in the buildable properties of New York.  There are 8 loot items (4 for each promo) that can be crafted and require special parts that are gained by performing tasks in Cafe World and FrontierVille.
Use these links to start the promos and see if you have the applications unblocked.  If you do and you want to participate, unblock them.
Cafe World
If you go to each of your buildable properties, you will see the loot items and building requirements for each one.
The special parts which are acquired by performing tasks in the respective games are the Doctored Invoice and the
Collect these items by clicking on "Get Part" and you will be directed to the either Cafe World or FrontierVille.  You will then have to click on the "Get Part" in the notification box that tells you that you have to complete a quest in the game you need to go to.
Cafe World

Quests in the other Zynga games are the same thing as Missions in Mafia Wars.  They would have saved us a lot of trouble had they not introduced a feature called Missions and then changed it to Operations so they could call Quests Missions.  Why not just call them Quests?  For Cafe World, you need to cook 5 servings of Triple Berry Cheesecake to get your crafting part.  Check out for some great tips for Cafe World.
When you get to your Cafe, click on one stove at a time and select Triple Berry Cheesecake.
I have more than 5 stoves so I prepared 5 dishes at once.
You would think this would be enough but no. Once you get the dish on the stove, you need to perform other tasks to get it ready.  Slice, dice, puree, layer the crust and wait 12 hours!  Wow, I could make one at home for all this effort.
I'm still cooking but Mike Nestor had some super kind of spice that cooks a dish instantly.  He know all the tricks!
If you want to buy some of them too, go to the spice icon on the bottom of your game.
Once you serve your Triple Berry Cheesecake, you can collect your Doctored Invoice and it takes you back to Mafia Wars.
Mike chose to build a Giant Octopus with his Doctored Invoice.

Quests in the other Zynga games are the same thing as Missions in Mafia Wars.  They would have saved us a lot of trouble had they not introduced a feature called Missions and then changed it to Operations so they could call Quests Missions.  Why not just call them Quests?  Anyways to see the Quest objectives to get your Beaver Pelt, click on the Mafia Wars icon located on the left side of the game.
There are 3 objectives in the A Day in the Life of a Beaver I Quest.  I already had plenty of wood because I used the FrontierVille Bonus Checker in th past so I only needed to do 2 of them,
I had to clear a tree stump and buy two fences and I was done.  The tree stump had to be a medium or large one and the Fence was found in the Market under the Decorations tab.
Click Okay to collect your FrontierVille rewards.
 And then "Claim Reward" to get your Beaver Pelt.
You are directed back to Mafia Wars and your Beaver Pelt awaits you.
Use it to buy one of the four items FrontierVille items in the New York buildable properties.  I'm working at improving my attack so I built a Chisel Plow ATV for the +3 attack points.
This is all a lot of foot work and way too time consuming just to craft some items.  Here are the special abilities of all the items and none of them is superior to the ones already in our properties.  I'm not going to waste anymore time on either of these promotions.

Thanks to Mike Nestor for some of the screen shots and Fauzia Ali, Boo Cah, Chad Atkinson and Yuen Man Wun for posting info on the The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I'm going for all of them...I like collecting loots...I got the Frontierville promo to work, but I cannot get the Cafe World promo to start :(

    Thanks, Patterson. :))


  3. About 3 weeks ago while running Brutus, I collected all these items. I have 180+ of each. When I look at my stats summary it doesn't show me maxed on any on them as these items do not show up on my inventory but I now have 125K+ defense.

  4. Thanks for the link to facebugged Jen. Just about to update it now. Adding some bits to your brilliant tutorial above.

  5. Anonymous said...


    Tell me how many pure maf players have the spice rack.. I guess about 1%

  6. is there a way to get 4 doctored invoice or beaver pelts a day so to i can build their respective items?????

  7. u can get 4 doctored invoice per day by having 20 stoves. 5 serve per invoice. so if 12 hours u use perfectly, u can gain double = 8 invoice per day. or juz 10 stoves u serve twice u'll get 4 invoice.


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