Feb 3, 2011

Episode 33: Stop the Leeches!!


If you haven't listened to the latest episode of the The Informant Podcast, you can do it right here and right now. The next episode will be here on Friday so don't get behind.

Click Play to listen now.

This is a show packed with information. We bypass the banter this episode to hit you all with the information. Pistol Pete covers some new Spocklets like the Business Collector and Tournament-o-matic. We also get to discuss the use of the the Tournament-o-matic with regarding to getting those Tournament Achievements in Vegas. Jennifer cover the the new “features” like the Hollow Warrior, Deadly Poison Frog from Fights. She explains the new release notes and where to find them. Trader No Goh returns with his antics as he meets the TSA, has he finally met his match. [MIG]‘s Chainsaw Chester and Jana Death by Gucci cover family leeching and poaching amongst the families. He also take the time to answer a few rants and questions from the tip line.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. You guys sound like your hurting for loots....Gotta visit your boi Happy over at JJY! And sry 4 killin you last week Pistol Pete it was a landmark I wanted it to be special :) Great listen guys keep up the good work!!!!!!

  2. JJY that stands for Jessie's Junkyard doesn't it? Actually I think it is Jessie's Mafia War's JunkYard..good spot for trading loots and MW junk. I heard 'em talk about Elite as a good trading spot. Hmm used to trade on Elite, but, honestly, I thought it dies off long ago. Hmm.

    I heard it mentioned on the latest informant PC...so I went back to the old trade site and sure enough...there were people there...it was FAR from the numbers suggested in the show. I posted a trade that was WAY below ratio just for fun (I do that sometimes) and NO BITES...in fact there were only 3 more posts after mine in the 15 mins I watched.

    Anywho...Trader Gho may like Elite (hey Ram) but I'll stick with JJY and MWTC.

  3. The old fight club achievements still register. I just hit level 18 and I was the achievement and 10 reward points.

  4. I just love Trader No Go .. Whoever he is Hats Off to him ..

  5. My first time listening in and I loved the show:) I have an account with 6000 energy which im slowly turning into a fighting account, so I agree there probably is more players out there with a level spread of points. But fighting is pretty much the best way to get loot now :)


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