Feb 5, 2011

Alive Targets Who Don't Play Mafia Wars


One of the issues that was addressed in the Forum Board Chat Q and A session (1) was the problem with the shortage of live targets on the fight list.
It was stated that player who stopped playing the game would be thrown on the list whenever their heath was regenerated.  Where is the fun in icing someone who doesn't even play?  Apparently this change as already taken place as Mike Nestor encountered one of these individuals while fighting today.  Check out his "Best Defense" items! I don't know why they won't look into bringing back loot and optimal experience for attacking iced targets.  This would solve all of the problems.

Thanks to Nick for sending email information on this.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Quote: "I don't know why they won't look into bringing back loot and optimal experience for attacking iced targets." ---> Not good.

    Reason: An energy account can just find a little guy (or his own mini) and attack non-stop (while the little one is iced). And gaining loot and xp just as much as a player who fights on the fightlist and fighting all sorts of fighters. No effort for the e-acc and guaranteed wins. But the other player has some chance of meeting big guns and be iced while icing. That's the fun of fighting. Not beating on a dead horse. And getting rewarded for it.

  2. @Azizul, I see your point but if you don't have any live targets to attack you aren't having fun or getting rewarded. Attacking a mini doesn't hurt anybody and if you hate the idea of a energy player being rewarded for fighting, they probably won't get much since they have energy and not a lot of stamina. Ideally there would be plenty of live targets to go around. This isn't the case and is why we are always iced and you spend too much time refreshing your fight list.

  3. that's why Zynga is adding a lot of loot items (from buildings or collections) which add health to players, the longer players can keep themselves alive the more targets there will be...

  4. but a 10K+ healt target wont die (with auto-heal every 45 secs) XD

  5. @MWLootlady: Unfortunately the days of an-all energy player is almost over. They have switched it to either all stamina for robbing (parts) or hybrid energy+stamina. Stamina is important now and players are adding more to it.

    It's just the idea that a non-fighter account will max on FHEL4 long before a fighter account can get half.

    p/s: But if you make FHEL4 giftable, ehem....I'd support the whole get loot while hitting iced players thing right now. If not, then FHEL4 should be just that. Fight loot from actually fighting. Just my opinion (which is subject to change lol)

  6. i wouldn't think z would want to tip their hand and show that their active player number estimates are clearly exaggerated. if you have include players who no longer play the game in the fight lists then something is clearly wrong with the game.

  7. A target is a target, I don't care either way... I always wondered why they didn't simply bring some bots (i.e. copies of active players) on the fight list.

  8. Should be easy enough to just put fake accounts on the fight list...have some below average and some above average as far as defense and mafia...that would almost be the same as fighting random people...it's not like you know the people...@azli energy accts are not dead...they just cannot win as many fights.

  9. I don't know guys, but i think it is time to rethink the list, how many active players are out there in the world right now??? why are the fight list reusing accounts, I have seems the same people on multiple list, just doesn't make sense. Z need to change the polling system to grab and poll actively playing accounts and spool them continually, this way there are new accounts all the time. Burn 1000 stamina with 100 list refreshed just does not make for good gaming.

  10. I think a reason why they don't give you loot anymore for Iced targets is because people would just run AttackX, which keeps on at the same person. If that person happened to be playing at the time, then their fun is ruined, as there is no way for them to escape: Anytime they regenerate health, they'd be killed again.
    With no real loot/XP for Iced players, the AttackX person has no reason to run it on an Iced player, and therefore would probably run something like Brawler, which attacks different people.
    Sure, it's frustrating that it can be so hard to find non-iced people, but that's why Brawler can just run and run, trying to find them.

    So, bringing back the loot/XP for Iced, I don't believe is the answer.

    Walt D in LV

  11. i have spend a lot on this game and very proud to say that I no longer play this cheat game!!! FULL OF CHEATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

  12. i have spend a lot OF $$$$$ on this game and very proud to say that I no longer play this cheat game!!! FULL OF CHEATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


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