Jan 22, 2011

Who Didn't Cast Their Vote?


Minutes after the Cast Your Vote now feature was implemented on January 19th (3 days ago), I took some screen shots and posted the details (1).  There were a total of 19 votes at the time.
Now lets review the Mafia Wars Daily Active Player statistics for these 3 days.  The numbers and charts are from the All Facebook Application Stats (Mafia Wars) Page.
Jan 19th
 Jan 20th
 Jan 21st
 Jan 22nd
Daily users are dipping below the 2 million mark which.  If these statistics are accurate, 2,729,546 players logged into their Mafia Wars account during the time Cast Your Vote has been out.  Considering every player can vote for all three items once an hour, you would expect to see at least 3 Million votes.  Lets check it out. The image below was taken just a few moments ago.  There are a total of 1,163,743 votes, which is 42.6% of the Daily Active Users reported for this time period (not 100% accurate due to possible time variations between start and stop point).  This isn't even considering the fact that some players may have voting fetishes and actually voted once an hour. These statistics should send one of two messages to Zynga. The first is that at least 42% (most likely more due to multiple votes) don't really care enough to vote. The second and probably the most probable is that there are a ton of secondary accounts out there. I know I don't participate in anything but loot farming on my other accounts and I'm probably not the only one.
Another interesting thing I noticed is that Mafia Wars which was consistently one of the Top 3 Applications on Facebook is in jeopardy of being knocked off the Top 10 Applications list. That honor went to Cafe World which is interesting since there is a cross promotion with Mafia Wars at the moment.
Jan 22nd
Jan 9th

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. interesting stats!

  2. some players didnt get the voting option as i m. i searched it in my mafia page but didnt find it. the most probable coz may b that i have old home page yet, so it can b a small coz for less voting.

  3. Farmville #2? Farmville, ooook.

    I got so bored with that, i deleted half my cropland and made a football field. Im still waiting for James Earl Jones to show up, so i can have a catch with my dad.


  4. don't care enough to vote.

  5. Voted once and didn't bother to try again, just another annoying "pop up" in the game to ignore. At what point will they get that annoying the players loses players?

  6. I voted to keep the auction out of the picture... sooo obviously another RP farming scheme.

    Cafe World is popular right now because they are moving the storyline forward after a year of holiday only events.

  7. Me, didnt bother, given up on all those requests.

  8. How the hell is frontierville more popular than mafia wars!?!?!? Gay!!


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