Jan 9, 2011

Unframe-MW Modification


If you've unframed your Mafia Wars game in the past few days, you probably noticed that the Zynga Game Bar was still on the page.  This caused bookmarklets that use Facebook Query Language (FQL) to get data not to work (ie, the Get-a-Nator).  On a side note, can they please remove the image of Dr. Dre? We've had to look at him for weeks and I'm over it!
When a bookmarklet doesn't work for you, the first thing you should do is check the fan site. The Spockholm Mafia Tools Fan Page quickly posted the cause of the problem and notified us that they were working on a solution.
Pistol Pete discovered that the Zynga Game Bar was renamed in the code.
Martin has updated the unframe-MW bookmarklet and it will now remove the game bar.
Find Unframe-MW and Unframe-MW (local) on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page. If you normally use the local version, you will need to delete it and add the revised version.
Martin said that the other bookmarklets that automatically unframe will eventually be updated but for now we will need to click on Unframe-MW to remove the Zynga Game Bar so the FQL requiring scripts will work.  Click Unframe-MW once to remove the Facebook framing around your game.
 After Clicking Unframe-MW Once
Zynga Game Bar still present, Scroll Bars Absent
 After Clicking Unframe-MW Twice
Zynga Game Bar Absent, Scroll Bars Present

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Zynga really ought to consider giving a very large donation to Spock, and Arun. This game would have long ago lost all it's popularity if these guys hadn't stepped up and given the players the tools they actually need to play.

  2. in their hurry to "get in on the act" Zynga left their calling card on the console in Chrome... they intruded my page n tried to unframed me at will... not my will... my puter blocked them... but i did have problems n had to uninstall/re-install ...lotta useless time

  3. thumbs up to 1st comment. without those bm, i'd have given this game up long ago.

  4. I use adblock in FF, takes care of those little addons that appear in mafia wars

  5. You know you like the dark meat

  6. Anonymous above. You are so funny and so cool. How about adding a FB page so we can be friends with you. /sarcasm.


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