Jan 9, 2011

Application Statistics and Alternate Accounts


I don't know many avid Mafia Wars players who don't have at least one secondary account.  Most of us figured out pretty quickly that having a second account to generate loot that we could gift to our main account was the way to go.  In reviewing the application data for the past 30 days on AllFacebook, it's interesting to look at the number of Daily Active Users and speculate how many of those are actually alternate accounts.  You can see there are now less than 3 Million daily players.  If half of these are alternate accounts, then there are actually 1,425,980 people who play every day.
(all images are modified and the originals are from All Facebook)
You often hear people say that "there are 20 Million people playing Mafia Wars". This number is derived from all players who log in at least once a month. You can see here that this number is closer to 19 Million and continues to decline.  It's interesting to note that the daily player decline is more than that of the monthly player. The difference is 104,100.  I suspect this number is more reflective of how any daily players stopped playing all together because odds are those daily players also had alternate accounts.
In May of last year, there were well over 23 Million Monthly Active Users.
No matter what becomes of Mafia Wars, Zynga will be okay. 6 of the top 10 Facebook Applications are Zynga Games.
CityVille has taken off like wildfire and holds the number one application spot coming in with almost 98 Million monthly users.  This number will eventually decrease because many player were just trying it out. How any will become regular players is yet to be determined.  Zynga hasn't even had enough time to mess with it enough to drive players away.  If the CityVille people need lessons on how to accomplish this goal, the Mafia Wars people are right down the hall.  Here is how CityVille compares to Mafia Wars.
Wella Warner wrote a really nice note on the history and changes of what we used to all call "energy accounts".  I reprinted this note titled Stamina is the new Energy on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.  Learn how stamina took over the role of energy when it comes to farming loot.  The original can be found HERE.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. doest that count how many people lose accounts from facebook.......that are still in the system...i lost 3 and already got a warning from facebook on my account for a photo album that was reported of pictures of skating dresses that i made...can you believe that???? and there is nothing i can do about it! facebook sucks

  2. Hi

    I would like to know why my friend`s mw account doesn`t have new inventory page. he was inactive for few months?!?! anyone?

  3. @Anonymous #1, the stats would reflect lost accounts. I haven't seen any stats on what that number is. All players have that fear which is why it would be nice to see MW on a different platform.
    @Anonymous #2, the new inventory page is still being rolled out. I still have the old one on an energy account. You can always contact Customer Service and see if they can get it added to yours.

  4. thank you (this is Anonymous #2 :D)

  5. Still no new inventory here (not that I'm complaining! LOL!). I did contact Zynga customer service about it and my lack of the new Missions on New Year's Eve and there was nothing they could do to help. I do now have Missions and Trader Gohs - and the old inventor!

  6. I would suggest that daily players is now well below 1 million as lots of player (myself included) have more than 2 accts.


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